1 unstable release
0.0.1 | Mar 22, 2022 |
#39 in #jira
Rust API client for openapi
Jira Cloud platform REST API documentation
This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.
- API version: 1001.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- Package version: 1001.0.0-SNAPSHOT
- Build package:
Put the package under your project folder in a directory named openapi
and add the following to Cargo.toml
under [dependencies]
openapi = { path = "./openapi" }
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://your-domain.atlassian.net
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AppMigrationApi | app_issue_field_value_update_resource_update_issue_fields_put | PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/field | Bulk update custom field value |
AppMigrationApi | migration_resource_update_entity_properties_value_put | PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/properties/{entityType} | Bulk update entity properties |
AppMigrationApi | migration_resource_workflow_rule_search_post | POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/workflow/rule/search | Get workflow transition rule configurations |
AppPropertiesApi | addon_properties_resource_delete_addon_property_delete | DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete app property |
AppPropertiesApi | addon_properties_resource_get_addon_properties_get | GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties | Get app properties |
AppPropertiesApi | addon_properties_resource_get_addon_property_get | GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get app property |
AppPropertiesApi | addon_properties_resource_put_addon_property_put | PUT /rest/atlassian-connect/1/addons/{addonKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set app property |
ApplicationRolesApi | get_all_application_roles | GET /rest/api/2/applicationrole | Get all application roles |
ApplicationRolesApi | get_application_role | GET /rest/api/2/applicationrole/{key} | Get application role |
AuditRecordsApi | get_audit_records | GET /rest/api/2/auditing/record | Get audit records |
AvatarsApi | delete_avatar | DELETE /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{owningObjectId}/avatar/{id} | Delete avatar |
AvatarsApi | get_all_system_avatars | GET /rest/api/2/avatar/{type}/system | Get system avatars by type |
AvatarsApi | get_avatar_image_by_id | GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/avatar/{id} | Get avatar image by ID |
AvatarsApi | get_avatar_image_by_owner | GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type}/owner/{entityId} | Get avatar image by owner |
AvatarsApi | get_avatar_image_by_type | GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/view/type/{type} | Get avatar image by type |
AvatarsApi | get_avatars | GET /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId} | Get avatars |
AvatarsApi | store_avatar | POST /rest/api/2/universal_avatar/type/{type}/owner/{entityId} | Load avatar |
DashboardsApi | add_gadget | POST /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget | Add gadget to dashboard |
DashboardsApi | copy_dashboard | POST /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id}/copy | Copy dashboard |
DashboardsApi | create_dashboard | POST /rest/api/2/dashboard | Create dashboard |
DashboardsApi | delete_dashboard | DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id} | Delete dashboard |
DashboardsApi | delete_dashboard_item_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete dashboard item property |
DashboardsApi | get_all_available_dashboard_gadgets | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/gadgets | Get available gadgets |
DashboardsApi | get_all_dashboards | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard | Get all dashboards |
DashboardsApi | get_all_gadgets | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget | Get gadgets |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboard | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id} | Get dashboard |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboard_item_property | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get dashboard item property |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboard_item_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties | Get dashboard item property keys |
DashboardsApi | get_dashboards_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/dashboard/search | Search for dashboards |
DashboardsApi | remove_gadget | DELETE /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId} | Remove gadget from dashboard |
DashboardsApi | set_dashboard_item_property | PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/items/{itemId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set dashboard item property |
DashboardsApi | update_dashboard | PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{id} | Update dashboard |
DashboardsApi | update_gadget | PUT /rest/api/2/dashboard/{dashboardId}/gadget/{gadgetId} | Update gadget on dashboard |
DynamicModulesApi | dynamic_modules_resource_get_modules_get | GET /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic | Get modules |
DynamicModulesApi | dynamic_modules_resource_register_modules_post | POST /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic | Register modules |
DynamicModulesApi | dynamic_modules_resource_remove_modules_delete | DELETE /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic | Remove modules |
FilterSharingApi | add_share_permission | POST /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission | Add share permission |
FilterSharingApi | delete_share_permission | DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId} | Delete share permission |
FilterSharingApi | get_default_share_scope | GET /rest/api/2/filter/defaultShareScope | Get default share scope |
FilterSharingApi | get_share_permission | GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission/{permissionId} | Get share permission |
FilterSharingApi | get_share_permissions | GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/permission | Get share permissions |
FilterSharingApi | set_default_share_scope | PUT /rest/api/2/filter/defaultShareScope | Set default share scope |
FiltersApi | change_filter_owner | PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/owner | Change filter owner |
FiltersApi | create_filter | POST /rest/api/2/filter | Create filter |
FiltersApi | delete_favourite_for_filter | DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/favourite | Remove filter as favorite |
FiltersApi | delete_filter | DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id} | Delete filter |
FiltersApi | get_columns | GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns | Get columns |
FiltersApi | get_favourite_filters | GET /rest/api/2/filter/favourite | Get favorite filters |
FiltersApi | get_filter | GET /rest/api/2/filter/{id} | Get filter |
FiltersApi | get_filters | GET /rest/api/2/filter | Get filters |
FiltersApi | get_filters_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/filter/search | Search for filters |
FiltersApi | get_my_filters | GET /rest/api/2/filter/my | Get my filters |
FiltersApi | reset_columns | DELETE /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns | Reset columns |
FiltersApi | set_columns | PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/columns | Set columns |
FiltersApi | set_favourite_for_filter | PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id}/favourite | Add filter as favorite |
FiltersApi | update_filter | PUT /rest/api/2/filter/{id} | Update filter |
GroupAndUserPickerApi | find_users_and_groups | GET /rest/api/2/groupuserpicker | Find users and groups |
GroupsApi | add_user_to_group | POST /rest/api/2/group/user | Add user to group |
GroupsApi | bulk_get_groups | GET /rest/api/2/group/bulk | Bulk get groups |
GroupsApi | create_group | POST /rest/api/2/group | Create group |
GroupsApi | find_groups | GET /rest/api/2/groups/picker | Find groups |
GroupsApi | get_group | GET /rest/api/2/group | Get group |
GroupsApi | get_users_from_group | GET /rest/api/2/group/member | Get users from group |
GroupsApi | remove_group | DELETE /rest/api/2/group | Remove group |
GroupsApi | remove_user_from_group | DELETE /rest/api/2/group/user | Remove user from group |
InstanceInformationApi | get_license | GET /rest/api/2/instance/license | Get license |
IssueAttachmentsApi | add_attachment | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/attachments | Add attachment |
IssueAttachmentsApi | expand_attachment_for_humans | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}/expand/human | Get all metadata for an expanded attachment |
IssueAttachmentsApi | expand_attachment_for_machines | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id}/expand/raw | Get contents metadata for an expanded attachment |
IssueAttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/{id} | Get attachment metadata |
IssueAttachmentsApi | get_attachment_content | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/content/{id} | Get attachment content |
IssueAttachmentsApi | get_attachment_meta | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/meta | Get Jira attachment settings |
IssueAttachmentsApi | get_attachment_thumbnail | GET /rest/api/2/attachment/thumbnail/{id} | Get attachment thumbnail |
IssueAttachmentsApi | remove_attachment | DELETE /rest/api/2/attachment/{id} | Delete attachment |
IssueCommentPropertiesApi | delete_comment_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete comment property |
IssueCommentPropertiesApi | get_comment_property | GET /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get comment property |
IssueCommentPropertiesApi | get_comment_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties | Get comment property keys |
IssueCommentPropertiesApi | set_comment_property | PUT /rest/api/2/comment/{commentId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set comment property |
IssueCommentsApi | add_comment | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment | Add comment |
IssueCommentsApi | delete_comment | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id} | Delete comment |
IssueCommentsApi | get_comment | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id} | Get comment |
IssueCommentsApi | get_comments | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment | Get comments |
IssueCommentsApi | get_comments_by_ids | POST /rest/api/2/comment/list | Get comments by IDs |
IssueCommentsApi | update_comment | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/comment/{id} | Update comment |
IssueCustomFieldConfigurationAppsApi | get_custom_field_configuration | GET /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration | Get custom field configurations |
IssueCustomFieldConfigurationAppsApi | update_custom_field_configuration | PUT /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/context/configuration | Update custom field configurations |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | add_issue_types_to_context | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype | Add issue types to context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | assign_projects_to_custom_field_context | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project | Assign custom field context to projects |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | create_custom_field_context | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context | Create custom field context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | delete_custom_field_context | DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId} | Delete custom field context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | get_contexts_for_field | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context | Get custom field contexts |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | get_custom_field_contexts_for_projects_and_issue_types | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/mapping | Get custom field contexts for projects and issue types |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | get_default_values | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue | Get custom field contexts default values |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | get_issue_type_mappings_for_contexts | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/issuetypemapping | Get issue types for custom field context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | get_project_context_mapping | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/projectmapping | Get project mappings for custom field context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | remove_custom_field_context_from_projects | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/project/remove | Remove custom field context from projects |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | remove_issue_types_from_context | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/issuetype/remove | Remove issue types from context |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | set_default_values | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/defaultValue | Set custom field contexts default values |
IssueCustomFieldContextsApi | update_custom_field_context | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId} | Update custom field context |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | create_custom_field_option | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option | Create custom field options (context) |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | delete_custom_field_option | DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/{optionId} | Delete custom field options (context) |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | get_custom_field_option | GET /rest/api/2/customFieldOption/{id} | Get custom field option |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | get_options_for_context | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option | Get custom field options (context) |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | reorder_custom_field_options | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option/move | Reorder custom field options (context) |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsApi | update_custom_field_option | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/context/{contextId}/option | Update custom field options (context) |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | create_issue_field_option | POST /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option | Create issue field option |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | delete_issue_field_option | DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId} | Delete issue field option |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | get_all_issue_field_options | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option | Get all issue field options |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | get_issue_field_option | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId} | Get issue field option |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | get_selectable_issue_field_options | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/edit | Get selectable issue field options |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | get_visible_issue_field_options | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/suggestions/search | Get visible issue field options |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | replace_issue_field_option | DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId}/issue | Replace issue field option |
IssueCustomFieldOptionsAppsApi | update_issue_field_option | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldKey}/option/{optionId} | Update issue field option |
IssueCustomFieldValuesAppsApi | update_custom_field_value | PUT /rest/api/2/app/field/{fieldIdOrKey}/value | Update custom field value |
IssueCustomFieldValuesAppsApi | update_multiple_custom_field_values | POST /rest/api/2/app/field/value | Update custom fields |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | assign_field_configuration_scheme_to_project | PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/project | Assign field configuration scheme to project |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | create_field_configuration | POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration | Create field configuration |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | create_field_configuration_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme | Create field configuration scheme |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | delete_field_configuration | DELETE /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id} | Delete field configuration |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | delete_field_configuration_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id} | Delete field configuration scheme |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | get_all_field_configuration_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme | Get all field configuration schemes |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | get_all_field_configurations | GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration | Get all field configurations |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | get_field_configuration_items | GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields | Get field configuration items |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | get_field_configuration_scheme_mappings | GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/mapping | Get field configuration issue type items |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | get_field_configuration_scheme_project_mapping | GET /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/project | Get field configuration schemes for projects |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | remove_issue_types_from_global_field_configuration_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping/delete | Remove issue types from field configuration scheme |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | set_field_configuration_scheme_mapping | PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id}/mapping | Assign issue types to field configurations |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | update_field_configuration | PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id} | Update field configuration |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | update_field_configuration_items | PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfiguration/{id}/fields | Update field configuration items |
IssueFieldConfigurationsApi | update_field_configuration_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/fieldconfigurationscheme/{id} | Update field configuration scheme |
IssueFieldsApi | create_custom_field | POST /rest/api/2/field | Create custom field |
IssueFieldsApi | delete_custom_field | DELETE /rest/api/2/field/{id} | Delete custom field |
IssueFieldsApi | get_contexts_for_field_deprecated | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/contexts | Get contexts for a field |
IssueFieldsApi | get_fields | GET /rest/api/2/field | Get fields |
IssueFieldsApi | get_fields_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/field/search | Get fields paginated |
IssueFieldsApi | restore_custom_field | POST /rest/api/2/field/{id}/restore | Restore custom field from trash |
IssueFieldsApi | trash_custom_field | POST /rest/api/2/field/{id}/trash | Move custom field to trash |
IssueFieldsApi | update_custom_field | PUT /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId} | Update custom field |
IssueLinkTypesApi | create_issue_link_type | POST /rest/api/2/issueLinkType | Create issue link type |
IssueLinkTypesApi | delete_issue_link_type | DELETE /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId} | Delete issue link type |
IssueLinkTypesApi | get_issue_link_type | GET /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId} | Get issue link type |
IssueLinkTypesApi | get_issue_link_types | GET /rest/api/2/issueLinkType | Get issue link types |
IssueLinkTypesApi | update_issue_link_type | PUT /rest/api/2/issueLinkType/{issueLinkTypeId} | Update issue link type |
IssueLinksApi | delete_issue_link | DELETE /rest/api/2/issueLink/{linkId} | Delete issue link |
IssueLinksApi | get_issue_link | GET /rest/api/2/issueLink/{linkId} | Get issue link |
IssueLinksApi | link_issues | POST /rest/api/2/issueLink | Create issue link |
IssueNavigatorSettingsApi | get_issue_navigator_default_columns | GET /rest/api/2/settings/columns | Get issue navigator default columns |
IssueNavigatorSettingsApi | set_issue_navigator_default_columns | PUT /rest/api/2/settings/columns | Set issue navigator default columns |
IssueNotificationSchemesApi | get_notification_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/notificationscheme/{id} | Get notification scheme |
IssueNotificationSchemesApi | get_notification_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/notificationscheme | Get notification schemes paginated |
IssuePrioritiesApi | get_priorities | GET /rest/api/2/priority | Get priorities |
IssuePrioritiesApi | get_priority | GET /rest/api/2/priority/{id} | Get priority |
IssuePropertiesApi | bulk_delete_issue_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/properties/{propertyKey} | Bulk delete issue property |
IssuePropertiesApi | bulk_set_issue_properties_by_issue | POST /rest/api/2/issue/properties/multi | Bulk set issue properties by issue |
IssuePropertiesApi | bulk_set_issue_property | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/properties/{propertyKey} | Bulk set issue property |
IssuePropertiesApi | bulk_set_issues_properties_list | POST /rest/api/2/issue/properties | Bulk set issues properties by list |
IssuePropertiesApi | delete_issue_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete issue property |
IssuePropertiesApi | get_issue_property | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get issue property |
IssuePropertiesApi | get_issue_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties | Get issue property keys |
IssuePropertiesApi | set_issue_property | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set issue property |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | create_or_update_remote_issue_link | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink | Create or update remote issue link |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | delete_remote_issue_link_by_global_id | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink | Delete remote issue link by global ID |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | delete_remote_issue_link_by_id | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId} | Delete remote issue link by ID |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | get_remote_issue_link_by_id | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId} | Get remote issue link by ID |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | get_remote_issue_links | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink | Get remote issue links |
IssueRemoteLinksApi | update_remote_issue_link | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/remotelink/{linkId} | Update remote issue link by ID |
IssueResolutionsApi | get_resolution | GET /rest/api/2/resolution/{id} | Get resolution |
IssueResolutionsApi | get_resolutions | GET /rest/api/2/resolution | Get resolutions |
IssueSearchApi | get_issue_picker_resource | GET /rest/api/2/issue/picker | Get issue picker suggestions |
IssueSearchApi | match_issues | POST /rest/api/2/jql/match | Check issues against JQL |
IssueSearchApi | search_for_issues_using_jql | GET /rest/api/2/search | Search for issues using JQL (GET) |
IssueSearchApi | search_for_issues_using_jql_post | POST /rest/api/2/search | Search for issues using JQL (POST) |
IssueSecurityLevelApi | get_issue_security_level | GET /rest/api/2/securitylevel/{id} | Get issue security level |
IssueSecurityLevelApi | get_issue_security_level_members | GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{issueSecuritySchemeId}/members | Get issue security level members |
IssueSecuritySchemesApi | get_issue_security_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes/{id} | Get issue security scheme |
IssueSecuritySchemesApi | get_issue_security_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/issuesecurityschemes | Get issue security schemes |
IssueTypePropertiesApi | delete_issue_type_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete issue type property |
IssueTypePropertiesApi | get_issue_type_property | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get issue type property |
IssueTypePropertiesApi | get_issue_type_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties | Get issue type property keys |
IssueTypePropertiesApi | set_issue_type_property | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetype/{issueTypeId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set issue type property |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | add_issue_types_to_issue_type_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype | Add issue types to issue type scheme |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | assign_issue_type_scheme_to_project | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/project | Assign issue type scheme to project |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | create_issue_type_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme | Create issue type scheme |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | delete_issue_type_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId} | Delete issue type scheme |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | get_all_issue_type_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme | Get all issue type schemes |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | get_issue_type_scheme_for_projects | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/project | Get issue type schemes for projects |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | get_issue_type_schemes_mapping | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/mapping | Get issue type scheme items |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | remove_issue_type_from_issue_type_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/{issueTypeId} | Remove issue type from issue type scheme |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | reorder_issue_types_in_issue_type_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId}/issuetype/move | Change order of issue types |
IssueTypeSchemesApi | update_issue_type_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescheme/{issueTypeSchemeId} | Update issue type scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | append_mappings_for_issue_type_screen_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping | Append mappings to issue type screen scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | assign_issue_type_screen_scheme_to_project | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/project | Assign issue type screen scheme to project |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | create_issue_type_screen_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme | Create issue type screen scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | delete_issue_type_screen_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId} | Delete issue type screen scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | get_issue_type_screen_scheme_mappings | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/mapping | Get issue type screen scheme items |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | get_issue_type_screen_scheme_project_associations | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/project | Get issue type screen schemes for projects |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | get_issue_type_screen_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme | Get issue type screen schemes |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | get_projects_for_issue_type_screen_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/project | Get issue type screen scheme projects |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | remove_mappings_from_issue_type_screen_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/remove | Remove mappings from issue type screen scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | update_default_screen_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId}/mapping/default | Update issue type screen scheme default screen scheme |
IssueTypeScreenSchemesApi | update_issue_type_screen_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetypescreenscheme/{issueTypeScreenSchemeId} | Update issue type screen scheme |
IssueTypesApi | create_issue_type | POST /rest/api/2/issuetype | Create issue type |
IssueTypesApi | create_issue_type_avatar | POST /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}/avatar2 | Load issue type avatar |
IssueTypesApi | delete_issue_type | DELETE /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id} | Delete issue type |
IssueTypesApi | get_alternative_issue_types | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id}/alternatives | Get alternative issue types |
IssueTypesApi | get_issue_all_types | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype | Get all issue types for user |
IssueTypesApi | get_issue_type | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id} | Get issue type |
IssueTypesApi | get_issue_types_for_project | GET /rest/api/2/issuetype/project | Get issue types for project |
IssueTypesApi | update_issue_type | PUT /rest/api/2/issuetype/{id} | Update issue type |
IssueVotesApi | add_vote | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes | Add vote |
IssueVotesApi | get_votes | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes | Get votes |
IssueVotesApi | remove_vote | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/votes | Delete vote |
IssueWatchersApi | add_watcher | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers | Add watcher |
IssueWatchersApi | get_is_watching_issue_bulk | POST /rest/api/2/issue/watching | Get is watching issue bulk |
IssueWatchersApi | get_issue_watchers | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers | Get issue watchers |
IssueWatchersApi | remove_watcher | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/watchers | Delete watcher |
IssueWorklogPropertiesApi | delete_worklog_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete worklog property |
IssueWorklogPropertiesApi | get_worklog_property | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get worklog property |
IssueWorklogPropertiesApi | get_worklog_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties | Get worklog property keys |
IssueWorklogPropertiesApi | set_worklog_property | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{worklogId}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set worklog property |
IssueWorklogsApi | add_worklog | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog | Add worklog |
IssueWorklogsApi | delete_worklog | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id} | Delete worklog |
IssueWorklogsApi | get_ids_of_worklogs_deleted_since | GET /rest/api/2/worklog/deleted | Get IDs of deleted worklogs |
IssueWorklogsApi | get_ids_of_worklogs_modified_since | GET /rest/api/2/worklog/updated | Get IDs of updated worklogs |
IssueWorklogsApi | get_issue_worklog | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog | Get issue worklogs |
IssueWorklogsApi | get_worklog | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id} | Get worklog |
IssueWorklogsApi | get_worklogs_for_ids | POST /rest/api/2/worklog/list | Get worklogs |
IssueWorklogsApi | update_worklog | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/worklog/{id} | Update worklog |
IssuesApi | assign_issue | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/assignee | Assign issue |
IssuesApi | create_issue | POST /rest/api/2/issue | Create issue |
IssuesApi | create_issues | POST /rest/api/2/issue/bulk | Bulk create issue |
IssuesApi | delete_issue | DELETE /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} | Delete issue |
IssuesApi | do_transition | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions | Transition issue |
IssuesApi | edit_issue | PUT /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} | Edit issue |
IssuesApi | get_change_logs | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog | Get changelogs |
IssuesApi | get_change_logs_by_ids | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/changelog/list | Get changelogs by IDs |
IssuesApi | get_create_issue_meta | GET /rest/api/2/issue/createmeta | Get create issue metadata |
IssuesApi | get_edit_issue_meta | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/editmeta | Get edit issue metadata |
IssuesApi | get_events | GET /rest/api/2/events | Get events |
IssuesApi | get_issue | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey} | Get issue |
IssuesApi | get_transitions | GET /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/transitions | Get transitions |
IssuesApi | notify | POST /rest/api/2/issue/{issueIdOrKey}/notify | Send notification for issue |
JQLApi | get_auto_complete | GET /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata | Get field reference data (GET) |
JQLApi | get_auto_complete_post | POST /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata | Get field reference data (POST) |
JQLApi | get_field_auto_complete_for_query_string | GET /rest/api/2/jql/autocompletedata/suggestions | Get field auto complete suggestions |
JQLApi | migrate_queries | POST /rest/api/2/jql/pdcleaner | Convert user identifiers to account IDs in JQL queries |
JQLApi | parse_jql_queries | POST /rest/api/2/jql/parse | Parse JQL query |
JQLApi | sanitise_jql_queries | POST /rest/api/2/jql/sanitize | Sanitize JQL queries |
JiraExpressionsApi | analyse_expression | POST /rest/api/2/expression/analyse | Analyse Jira expression |
JiraExpressionsApi | evaluate_jira_expression | POST /rest/api/2/expression/eval | Evaluate Jira expression |
JiraSettingsApi | get_advanced_settings | GET /rest/api/2/application-properties/advanced-settings | Get advanced settings |
JiraSettingsApi | get_application_property | GET /rest/api/2/application-properties | Get application property |
JiraSettingsApi | get_configuration | GET /rest/api/2/configuration | Get global settings |
JiraSettingsApi | set_application_property | PUT /rest/api/2/application-properties/{id} | Set application property |
LabelsApi | get_all_labels | GET /rest/api/2/label | Get all labels |
MyselfApi | delete_locale | DELETE /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale | Delete locale |
MyselfApi | get_current_user | GET /rest/api/2/myself | Get current user |
MyselfApi | get_locale | GET /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale | Get locale |
MyselfApi | get_preference | GET /rest/api/2/mypreferences | Get preference |
MyselfApi | remove_preference | DELETE /rest/api/2/mypreferences | Delete preference |
MyselfApi | set_locale | PUT /rest/api/2/mypreferences/locale | Set locale |
MyselfApi | set_preference | PUT /rest/api/2/mypreferences | Set preference |
PermissionSchemesApi | create_permission_grant | POST /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission | Create permission grant |
PermissionSchemesApi | create_permission_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/permissionscheme | Create permission scheme |
PermissionSchemesApi | delete_permission_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId} | Delete permission scheme |
PermissionSchemesApi | delete_permission_scheme_entity | DELETE /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId} | Delete permission scheme grant |
PermissionSchemesApi | get_all_permission_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme | Get all permission schemes |
PermissionSchemesApi | get_permission_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId} | Get permission scheme |
PermissionSchemesApi | get_permission_scheme_grant | GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission/{permissionId} | Get permission scheme grant |
PermissionSchemesApi | get_permission_scheme_grants | GET /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId}/permission | Get permission scheme grants |
PermissionSchemesApi | update_permission_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/permissionscheme/{schemeId} | Update permission scheme |
PermissionsApi | get_all_permissions | GET /rest/api/2/permissions | Get all permissions |
PermissionsApi | get_bulk_permissions | POST /rest/api/2/permissions/check | Get bulk permissions |
PermissionsApi | get_my_permissions | GET /rest/api/2/mypermissions | Get my permissions |
PermissionsApi | get_permitted_projects | POST /rest/api/2/permissions/project | Get permitted projects |
ProjectAvatarsApi | create_project_avatar | POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar2 | Load project avatar |
ProjectAvatarsApi | delete_project_avatar | DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar/{id} | Delete project avatar |
ProjectAvatarsApi | get_all_project_avatars | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatars | Get all project avatars |
ProjectAvatarsApi | update_project_avatar | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/avatar | Set project avatar |
ProjectCategoriesApi | create_project_category | POST /rest/api/2/projectCategory | Create project category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | get_all_project_categories | GET /rest/api/2/projectCategory | Get all project categories |
ProjectCategoriesApi | get_project_category_by_id | GET /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id} | Get project category by ID |
ProjectCategoriesApi | remove_project_category | DELETE /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id} | Delete project category |
ProjectCategoriesApi | update_project_category | PUT /rest/api/2/projectCategory/{id} | Update project category |
ProjectComponentsApi | create_component | POST /rest/api/2/component | Create component |
ProjectComponentsApi | delete_component | DELETE /rest/api/2/component/{id} | Delete component |
ProjectComponentsApi | get_component | GET /rest/api/2/component/{id} | Get component |
ProjectComponentsApi | get_component_related_issues | GET /rest/api/2/component/{id}/relatedIssueCounts | Get component issues count |
ProjectComponentsApi | get_project_components | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/components | Get project components |
ProjectComponentsApi | get_project_components_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/component | Get project components paginated |
ProjectComponentsApi | update_component | PUT /rest/api/2/component/{id} | Update component |
ProjectEmailApi | get_project_email | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/email | Get project's sender email |
ProjectEmailApi | update_project_email | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/email | Set project's sender email |
ProjectFeaturesApi | get_features_for_project | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features | Get project features |
ProjectFeaturesApi | toggle_feature_for_project | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/features/{featureKey} | Set project feature state |
ProjectKeyAndNameValidationApi | get_valid_project_key | GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/validProjectKey | Get valid project key |
ProjectKeyAndNameValidationApi | get_valid_project_name | GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/validProjectName | Get valid project name |
ProjectKeyAndNameValidationApi | validate_project_key | GET /rest/api/2/projectvalidate/key | Validate project key |
ProjectPermissionSchemesApi | assign_permission_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme | Assign permission scheme |
ProjectPermissionSchemesApi | get_assigned_permission_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/permissionscheme | Get assigned permission scheme |
ProjectPermissionSchemesApi | get_project_issue_security_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/issuesecuritylevelscheme | Get project issue security scheme |
ProjectPermissionSchemesApi | get_security_levels_for_project | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/securitylevel | Get project issue security levels |
ProjectPropertiesApi | delete_project_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete project property |
ProjectPropertiesApi | get_project_property | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Get project property |
ProjectPropertiesApi | get_project_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties | Get project property keys |
ProjectPropertiesApi | set_project_property | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/properties/{propertyKey} | Set project property |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | add_actor_users | POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id} | Add actors to project role |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | add_project_role_actors_to_role | POST /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors | Add default actors to project role |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | delete_actor | DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id} | Delete actors from project role |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | delete_project_role_actors_from_role | DELETE /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors | Delete default actors from project role |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | get_project_role_actors_for_role | GET /rest/api/2/role/{id}/actors | Get default actors for project role |
ProjectRoleActorsApi | set_actors | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id} | Set actors for project role |
ProjectRolesApi | create_project_role | POST /rest/api/2/role | Create project role |
ProjectRolesApi | delete_project_role | DELETE /rest/api/2/role/{id} | Delete project role |
ProjectRolesApi | fully_update_project_role | PUT /rest/api/2/role/{id} | Fully update project role |
ProjectRolesApi | get_all_project_roles | GET /rest/api/2/role | Get all project roles |
ProjectRolesApi | get_project_role | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role/{id} | Get project role for project |
ProjectRolesApi | get_project_role_by_id | GET /rest/api/2/role/{id} | Get project role by ID |
ProjectRolesApi | get_project_role_details | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/roledetails | Get project role details |
ProjectRolesApi | get_project_roles | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/role | Get project roles for project |
ProjectRolesApi | partial_update_project_role | POST /rest/api/2/role/{id} | Partial update project role |
ProjectTypesApi | get_accessible_project_type_by_key | GET /rest/api/2/project/type/{projectTypeKey}/accessible | Get accessible project type by key |
ProjectTypesApi | get_all_accessible_project_types | GET /rest/api/2/project/type/accessible | Get licensed project types |
ProjectTypesApi | get_all_project_types | GET /rest/api/2/project/type | Get all project types |
ProjectTypesApi | get_project_type_by_key | GET /rest/api/2/project/type/{projectTypeKey} | Get project type by key |
ProjectVersionsApi | create_version | POST /rest/api/2/version | Create version |
ProjectVersionsApi | delete_and_replace_version | POST /rest/api/2/version/{id}/removeAndSwap | Delete and replace version |
ProjectVersionsApi | delete_version | DELETE /rest/api/2/version/{id} | Delete version |
ProjectVersionsApi | get_project_versions | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/versions | Get project versions |
ProjectVersionsApi | get_project_versions_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/version | Get project versions paginated |
ProjectVersionsApi | get_version | GET /rest/api/2/version/{id} | Get version |
ProjectVersionsApi | get_version_related_issues | GET /rest/api/2/version/{id}/relatedIssueCounts | Get version's related issues count |
ProjectVersionsApi | get_version_unresolved_issues | GET /rest/api/2/version/{id}/unresolvedIssueCount | Get version's unresolved issues count |
ProjectVersionsApi | merge_versions | PUT /rest/api/2/version/{id}/mergeto/{moveIssuesTo} | Merge versions |
ProjectVersionsApi | move_version | POST /rest/api/2/version/{id}/move | Move version |
ProjectVersionsApi | update_version | PUT /rest/api/2/version/{id} | Update version |
ProjectsApi | archive_project | POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/archive | Archive project |
ProjectsApi | create_project | POST /rest/api/2/project | Create project |
ProjectsApi | delete_project | DELETE /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey} | Delete project |
ProjectsApi | delete_project_asynchronously | POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/delete | Delete project asynchronously |
ProjectsApi | get_all_projects | GET /rest/api/2/project | Get all projects |
ProjectsApi | get_all_statuses | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/statuses | Get all statuses for project |
ProjectsApi | get_hierarchy | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectId}/hierarchy | Get project issue type hierarchy |
ProjectsApi | get_notification_scheme_for_project | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectKeyOrId}/notificationscheme | Get project notification scheme |
ProjectsApi | get_project | GET /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey} | Get project |
ProjectsApi | get_recent | GET /rest/api/2/project/recent | Get recent projects |
ProjectsApi | restore | POST /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/restore | Restore deleted project |
ProjectsApi | search_projects | GET /rest/api/2/project/search | Get projects paginated |
ProjectsApi | update_project | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey} | Update project |
ProjectsApi | update_project_type | PUT /rest/api/2/project/{projectIdOrKey}/type/{newProjectTypeKey} | Update project type |
ScreenSchemesApi | create_screen_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/screenscheme | Create screen scheme |
ScreenSchemesApi | delete_screen_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId} | Delete screen scheme |
ScreenSchemesApi | get_screen_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/screenscheme | Get screen schemes |
ScreenSchemesApi | update_screen_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/screenscheme/{screenSchemeId} | Update screen scheme |
ScreenTabFieldsApi | add_screen_tab_field | POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields | Add screen tab field |
ScreenTabFieldsApi | get_all_screen_tab_fields | GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields | Get all screen tab fields |
ScreenTabFieldsApi | move_screen_tab_field | POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id}/move | Move screen tab field |
ScreenTabFieldsApi | remove_screen_tab_field | DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/fields/{id} | Remove screen tab field |
ScreenTabsApi | add_screen_tab | POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs | Create screen tab |
ScreenTabsApi | delete_screen_tab | DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId} | Delete screen tab |
ScreenTabsApi | get_all_screen_tabs | GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs | Get all screen tabs |
ScreenTabsApi | move_screen_tab | POST /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId}/move/{pos} | Move screen tab |
ScreenTabsApi | rename_screen_tab | PUT /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/tabs/{tabId} | Update screen tab |
ScreensApi | add_field_to_default_screen | POST /rest/api/2/screens/addToDefault/{fieldId} | Add field to default screen |
ScreensApi | create_screen | POST /rest/api/2/screens | Create screen |
ScreensApi | delete_screen | DELETE /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId} | Delete screen |
ScreensApi | get_available_screen_fields | GET /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId}/availableFields | Get available screen fields |
ScreensApi | get_screens | GET /rest/api/2/screens | Get screens |
ScreensApi | get_screens_for_field | GET /rest/api/2/field/{fieldId}/screens | Get screens for a field |
ScreensApi | update_screen | PUT /rest/api/2/screens/{screenId} | Update screen |
ServerInfoApi | get_server_info | GET /rest/api/2/serverInfo | Get Jira instance info |
TasksApi | cancel_task | POST /rest/api/2/task/{taskId}/cancel | Cancel task |
TasksApi | get_task | GET /rest/api/2/task/{taskId} | Get task |
TimeTrackingApi | get_available_time_tracking_implementations | GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/list | Get all time tracking providers |
TimeTrackingApi | get_selected_time_tracking_implementation | GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking | Get selected time tracking provider |
TimeTrackingApi | get_shared_time_tracking_configuration | GET /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/options | Get time tracking settings |
TimeTrackingApi | select_time_tracking_implementation | PUT /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking | Select time tracking provider |
TimeTrackingApi | set_shared_time_tracking_configuration | PUT /rest/api/2/configuration/timetracking/options | Set time tracking settings |
UserPropertiesApi | delete_user_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey} | Delete user property |
UserPropertiesApi | get_user_property | GET /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey} | Get user property |
UserPropertiesApi | get_user_property_keys | GET /rest/api/2/user/properties | Get user property keys |
UserPropertiesApi | set_user_property | PUT /rest/api/2/user/properties/{propertyKey} | Set user property |
UserSearchApi | find_assignable_users | GET /rest/api/2/user/assignable/search | Find users assignable to issues |
UserSearchApi | find_bulk_assignable_users | GET /rest/api/2/user/assignable/multiProjectSearch | Find users assignable to projects |
UserSearchApi | find_user_keys_by_query | GET /rest/api/2/user/search/query/key | Find user keys by query |
UserSearchApi | find_users | GET /rest/api/2/user/search | Find users |
UserSearchApi | find_users_by_query | GET /rest/api/2/user/search/query | Find users by query |
UserSearchApi | find_users_for_picker | GET /rest/api/2/user/picker | Find users for picker |
UserSearchApi | find_users_with_all_permissions | GET /rest/api/2/user/permission/search | Find users with permissions |
UserSearchApi | find_users_with_browse_permission | GET /rest/api/2/user/viewissue/search | Find users with browse permission |
UsersApi | bulk_get_users | GET /rest/api/2/user/bulk | Bulk get users |
UsersApi | bulk_get_users_migration | GET /rest/api/2/user/bulk/migration | Get account IDs for users |
UsersApi | create_user | POST /rest/api/2/user | Create user |
UsersApi | get_all_users | GET /rest/api/2/users/search | Get all users |
UsersApi | get_all_users_default | GET /rest/api/2/users | Get all users default |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /rest/api/2/user | Get user |
UsersApi | get_user_default_columns | GET /rest/api/2/user/columns | Get user default columns |
UsersApi | get_user_email | GET /rest/api/2/user/email | Get user email |
UsersApi | get_user_email_bulk | GET /rest/api/2/user/email/bulk | Get user email bulk |
UsersApi | get_user_groups | GET /rest/api/2/user/groups | Get user groups |
UsersApi | remove_user | DELETE /rest/api/2/user | Delete user |
UsersApi | reset_user_columns | DELETE /rest/api/2/user/columns | Reset user default columns |
UsersApi | set_user_columns | PUT /rest/api/2/user/columns | Set user default columns |
WebhooksApi | delete_webhook_by_id | DELETE /rest/api/2/webhook | Delete webhooks by ID |
WebhooksApi | get_dynamic_webhooks_for_app | GET /rest/api/2/webhook | Get dynamic webhooks for app |
WebhooksApi | get_failed_webhooks | GET /rest/api/2/webhook/failed | Get failed webhooks |
WebhooksApi | refresh_webhooks | PUT /rest/api/2/webhook/refresh | Extend webhook life |
WebhooksApi | register_dynamic_webhooks | POST /rest/api/2/webhook | Register dynamic webhooks |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | create_workflow_scheme_draft_from_parent | POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/createdraft | Create draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | delete_draft_default_workflow | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default | Delete draft default workflow |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | delete_draft_workflow_mapping | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow | Delete issue types for workflow in draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | delete_workflow_scheme_draft | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft | Delete draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | delete_workflow_scheme_draft_issue_type | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType} | Delete workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | get_draft_default_workflow | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default | Get draft default workflow |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | get_draft_workflow | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow | Get issue types for workflows in draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | get_workflow_scheme_draft | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft | Get draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | get_workflow_scheme_draft_issue_type | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType} | Get workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | publish_draft_workflow_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/publish | Publish draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | set_workflow_scheme_draft_issue_type | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/issuetype/{issueType} | Set workflow for issue type in draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | update_draft_default_workflow | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/default | Update draft default workflow |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | update_draft_workflow_mapping | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft/workflow | Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeDraftsApi | update_workflow_scheme_draft | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/draft | Update draft workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemeProjectAssociationsApi | assign_scheme_to_project | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/project | Assign workflow scheme to project |
WorkflowSchemeProjectAssociationsApi | get_workflow_scheme_project_associations | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/project | Get workflow scheme project associations |
WorkflowSchemesApi | create_workflow_scheme | POST /rest/api/2/workflowscheme | Create workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | delete_default_workflow | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default | Delete default workflow |
WorkflowSchemesApi | delete_workflow_mapping | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow | Delete issue types for workflow in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | delete_workflow_scheme | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id} | Delete workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | delete_workflow_scheme_issue_type | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType} | Delete workflow for issue type in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | get_all_workflow_schemes | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme | Get all workflow schemes |
WorkflowSchemesApi | get_default_workflow | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default | Get default workflow |
WorkflowSchemesApi | get_workflow | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow | Get issue types for workflows in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | get_workflow_scheme | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id} | Get workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | get_workflow_scheme_issue_type | GET /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType} | Get workflow for issue type in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | set_workflow_scheme_issue_type | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/issuetype/{issueType} | Set workflow for issue type in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | update_default_workflow | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/default | Update default workflow |
WorkflowSchemesApi | update_workflow_mapping | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id}/workflow | Set issue types for workflow in workflow scheme |
WorkflowSchemesApi | update_workflow_scheme | PUT /rest/api/2/workflowscheme/{id} | Update workflow scheme |
WorkflowStatusCategoriesApi | get_status_categories | GET /rest/api/2/statuscategory | Get all status categories |
WorkflowStatusCategoriesApi | get_status_category | GET /rest/api/2/statuscategory/{idOrKey} | Get status category |
WorkflowStatusesApi | get_status | GET /rest/api/2/status/{idOrName} | Get status |
WorkflowStatusesApi | get_statuses | GET /rest/api/2/status | Get all statuses |
WorkflowTransitionPropertiesApi | create_workflow_transition_property | POST /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties | Create workflow transition property |
WorkflowTransitionPropertiesApi | delete_workflow_transition_property | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties | Delete workflow transition property |
WorkflowTransitionPropertiesApi | get_workflow_transition_properties | GET /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties | Get workflow transition properties |
WorkflowTransitionPropertiesApi | update_workflow_transition_property | PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/transitions/{transitionId}/properties | Update workflow transition property |
WorkflowTransitionRulesApi | delete_workflow_transition_rule_configurations | PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config/delete | Delete workflow transition rule configurations |
WorkflowTransitionRulesApi | get_workflow_transition_rule_configurations | GET /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config | Get workflow transition rule configurations |
WorkflowTransitionRulesApi | update_workflow_transition_rule_configurations | PUT /rest/api/2/workflow/rule/config | Update workflow transition rule configurations |
WorkflowsApi | create_workflow | POST /rest/api/2/workflow | Create workflow |
WorkflowsApi | delete_inactive_workflow | DELETE /rest/api/2/workflow/{entityId} | Delete inactive workflow |
WorkflowsApi | get_all_workflows | GET /rest/api/2/workflow | Get all workflows |
WorkflowsApi | get_workflows_paginated | GET /rest/api/2/workflow/search | Get workflows paginated |
Documentation For Models
- ActorInputBean
- ActorsMap
- AddFieldBean
- AddGroupBean
- Application
- ApplicationProperty
- ApplicationRole
- AssociateFieldConfigurationsWithIssueTypesRequest
- AssociatedItemBean
- Attachment
- AttachmentArchive
- AttachmentArchiveEntry
- AttachmentArchiveImpl
- AttachmentArchiveItemReadable
- AttachmentArchiveMetadataReadable
- AttachmentMetadata
- AttachmentSettings
- AuditRecordBean
- AuditRecords
- AutoCompleteSuggestion
- AutoCompleteSuggestions
- AvailableDashboardGadget
- AvailableDashboardGadgetsResponse
- Avatar
- AvatarUrlsBean
- Avatars
- BulkCustomFieldOptionCreateRequest
- BulkCustomFieldOptionUpdateRequest
- BulkIssueIsWatching
- BulkIssuePropertyUpdateRequest
- BulkOperationErrorResult
- BulkPermissionGrants
- BulkPermissionsRequestBean
- BulkProjectPermissionGrants
- BulkProjectPermissions
- ChangeDetails
- ChangeFilterOwner
- ChangedValueBean
- ChangedWorklog
- ChangedWorklogs
- Changelog
- ColumnItem
- Comment
- ComponentIssuesCount
- ComponentWithIssueCount
- CompoundClause
- Configuration
- ConnectCustomFieldValue
- ConnectCustomFieldValues
- ConnectModules
- ConnectWorkflowTransitionRule
- ContainerForProjectFeatures
- ContainerForRegisteredWebhooks
- ContainerForWebhookIds
- ContainerOfWorkflowSchemeAssociations
- Context
- ContextForProjectAndIssueType
- ContextualConfiguration
- ConvertedJqlQueries
- CreateCustomFieldContext
- CreateProjectDetails
- CreateUpdateRoleRequestBean
- CreateWorkflowCondition
- CreateWorkflowDetails
- CreateWorkflowStatusDetails
- CreateWorkflowTransitionDetails
- CreateWorkflowTransitionRule
- CreateWorkflowTransitionRulesDetails
- CreateWorkflowTransitionScreenDetails
- CreatedIssue
- CreatedIssues
- CustomContextVariable
- CustomFieldConfigurations
- CustomFieldContext
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValue
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueCascadingOption
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueDate
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueDateTime
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueFloat
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeDateTimeField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeGroupField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeMultiGroupField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeMultiStringField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeMultiUserField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeNumberField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeObjectField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeStringField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueForgeUserField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueLabels
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueMultiUserPicker
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueMultipleGroupPicker
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueMultipleOption
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueMultipleVersionPicker
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueProject
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueReadOnly
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueSingleGroupPicker
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueSingleOption
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueSingleVersionPicker
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueTextArea
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueTextField
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueUpdate
- CustomFieldContextDefaultValueUrl
- CustomFieldContextOption
- CustomFieldContextProjectMapping
- CustomFieldContextSingleUserPickerDefaults
- CustomFieldContextUpdateDetails
- CustomFieldCreatedContextOptionsList
- CustomFieldDefinitionJsonBean
- CustomFieldOption
- CustomFieldOptionCreate
- CustomFieldOptionUpdate
- CustomFieldReplacement
- CustomFieldUpdatedContextOptionsList
- CustomFieldValueUpdate
- CustomFieldValueUpdateDetails
- Dashboard
- DashboardDetails
- DashboardGadget
- DashboardGadgetPosition
- DashboardGadgetResponse
- DashboardGadgetSettings
- DashboardGadgetUpdateRequest
- DefaultShareScope
- DefaultWorkflow
- DeleteAndReplaceVersionBean
- DeprecatedWorkflow
- EntityProperty
- EntityPropertyDetails
- ErrorCollection
- ErrorMessage
- EventNotification
- FailedWebhook
- FailedWebhooks
- Field
- FieldChangedClause
- FieldConfiguration
- FieldConfigurationDetails
- FieldConfigurationIssueTypeItem
- FieldConfigurationItem
- FieldConfigurationItemsDetails
- FieldConfigurationScheme
- FieldConfigurationSchemeProjectAssociation
- FieldConfigurationSchemeProjects
- FieldConfigurationToIssueTypeMapping
- FieldDetails
- FieldLastUsed
- FieldMetadata
- FieldReferenceData
- FieldUpdateOperation
- FieldValueClause
- FieldWasClause
- Fields
- Filter
- FilterDetails
- FilterSubscription
- FilterSubscriptionsList
- FoundGroup
- FoundGroups
- FoundUsers
- FoundUsersAndGroups
- FunctionOperand
- FunctionReferenceData
- GlobalScopeBean
- Group
- GroupDetails
- GroupLabel
- GroupName
- HealthCheckResult
- Hierarchy
- HistoryMetadata
- HistoryMetadataParticipant
- Icon
- IconBean
- IdBean
- IdOrKeyBean
- IncludedFields
- IssueBean
- IssueChangelogIds
- IssueCommentListRequestBean
- IssueContextVariable
- IssueCreateMetadata
- IssueEntityProperties
- IssueEntityPropertiesForMultiUpdate
- IssueEvent
- IssueFieldOption
- IssueFieldOptionConfiguration
- IssueFieldOptionCreateBean
- IssueFieldOptionScopeBean
- IssueFilterForBulkPropertyDelete
- IssueFilterForBulkPropertySet
- IssueLink
- IssueLinkType
- IssueLinkTypes
- IssueList
- IssueMatches
- IssueMatchesForJql
- IssuePickerSuggestions
- IssuePickerSuggestionsIssueType
- IssueSecurityLevelMember
- IssueTransition
- IssueTypeCreateBean
- IssueTypeDetails
- IssueTypeIds
- IssueTypeIdsToRemove
- IssueTypeInfo
- IssueTypeIssueCreateMetadata
- IssueTypeScheme
- IssueTypeSchemeDetails
- IssueTypeSchemeId
- IssueTypeSchemeMapping
- IssueTypeSchemeProjectAssociation
- IssueTypeSchemeProjects
- IssueTypeSchemeUpdateDetails
- IssueTypeScreenScheme
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeDetails
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeId
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeItem
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeMapping
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeMappingDetails
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeProjectAssociation
- IssueTypeScreenSchemeUpdateDetails
- IssueTypeScreenSchemesProjects
- IssueTypeToContextMapping
- IssueTypeUpdateBean
- IssueTypeWithStatus
- IssueTypeWorkflowMapping
- IssueTypesWorkflowMapping
- IssueUpdateDetails
- IssueUpdateMetadata
- IssuesAndJqlQueries
- IssuesJqlMetaDataBean
- IssuesMetaBean
- IssuesUpdateBean
- JexpIssues
- JexpJqlIssues
- JiraExpressionAnalysis
- JiraExpressionComplexity
- JiraExpressionEvalContextBean
- JiraExpressionEvalRequestBean
- JiraExpressionEvaluationMetaDataBean
- JiraExpressionForAnalysis
- JiraExpressionResult
- JiraExpressionValidationError
- JiraExpressionsAnalysis
- JiraExpressionsComplexityBean
- JiraExpressionsComplexityValueBean
- JqlPersonalDataMigrationRequest
- JqlQueriesToParse
- JqlQueriesToSanitize
- JqlQuery
- JqlQueryClause
- JqlQueryClauseOperand
- JqlQueryClauseTimePredicate
- JqlQueryField
- JqlQueryFieldEntityProperty
- JqlQueryOrderByClause
- JqlQueryOrderByClauseElement
- JqlQueryToSanitize
- JqlQueryUnitaryOperand
- JqlQueryWithUnknownUsers
- JqlReferenceData
- JsonContextVariable
- JsonNode
- JsonTypeBean
- KeywordOperand
- License
- LicensedApplication
- LinkGroup
- LinkIssueRequestJsonBean
- LinkedIssue
- ListOperand
- Locale
- MoveFieldBean
- MultiIssueEntityProperties
- MultipleCustomFieldValuesUpdate
- MultipleCustomFieldValuesUpdateDetails
- NestedResponse
- NewUserDetails
- Notification
- NotificationEvent
- NotificationRecipients
- NotificationRecipientsRestrictions
- NotificationScheme
- NotificationSchemeEvent
- OperationMessage
- Operations
- OrderOfCustomFieldOptions
- OrderOfIssueTypes
- PageBeanChangelog
- PageBeanComment
- PageBeanComponentWithIssueCount
- PageBeanContext
- PageBeanContextForProjectAndIssueType
- PageBeanContextualConfiguration
- PageBeanCustomFieldContext
- PageBeanCustomFieldContextDefaultValue
- PageBeanCustomFieldContextOption
- PageBeanCustomFieldContextProjectMapping
- PageBeanDashboard
- PageBeanField
- PageBeanFieldConfigurationDetails
- PageBeanFieldConfigurationIssueTypeItem
- PageBeanFieldConfigurationItem
- PageBeanFieldConfigurationScheme
- PageBeanFieldConfigurationSchemeProjects
- PageBeanFilterDetails
- PageBeanGroupDetails
- PageBeanIssueFieldOption
- PageBeanIssueSecurityLevelMember
- PageBeanIssueTypeScheme
- PageBeanIssueTypeSchemeMapping
- PageBeanIssueTypeSchemeProjects
- PageBeanIssueTypeScreenScheme
- PageBeanIssueTypeScreenSchemeItem
- PageBeanIssueTypeScreenSchemesProjects
- PageBeanIssueTypeToContextMapping
- PageBeanNotificationScheme
- PageBeanProject
- PageBeanProjectDetails
- PageBeanScreen
- PageBeanScreenScheme
- PageBeanScreenWithTab
- PageBeanString
- PageBeanUser
- PageBeanUserDetails
- PageBeanUserKey
- PageBeanVersion
- PageBeanWebhook
- PageBeanWorkflow
- PageBeanWorkflowScheme
- PageBeanWorkflowTransitionRules
- PageOfChangelogs
- PageOfComments
- PageOfDashboards
- PageOfWorklogs
- PagedListUserDetailsApplicationUser
- PaginatedResponseComment
- ParsedJqlQueries
- ParsedJqlQuery
- PermissionGrant
- PermissionGrants
- PermissionHolder
- PermissionScheme
- PermissionSchemes
- Permissions
- PermissionsKeysBean
- PermittedProjects
- Priority
- Project
- ProjectAvatars
- ProjectCategory
- ProjectComponent
- ProjectDetails
- ProjectEmailAddress
- ProjectFeature
- ProjectFeatureState
- ProjectIdentifierBean
- ProjectIdentifiers
- ProjectIds
- ProjectInsight
- ProjectIssueCreateMetadata
- ProjectIssueSecurityLevels
- ProjectIssueTypeHierarchy
- ProjectIssueTypeMapping
- ProjectIssueTypeMappings
- ProjectIssueTypesHierarchyLevel
- ProjectLandingPageInfo
- ProjectPermissions
- ProjectRole
- ProjectRoleActorsUpdateBean
- ProjectRoleDetails
- ProjectRoleGroup
- ProjectRoleUser
- ProjectScopeBean
- ProjectType
- PropertyKey
- PropertyKeys
- PublishDraftWorkflowScheme
- PublishedWorkflowId
- RegisteredWebhook
- RemoteIssueLink
- RemoteIssueLinkIdentifies
- RemoteIssueLinkRequest
- RemoteObject
- RemoveOptionFromIssuesResult
- Resolution
- RestrictedPermission
- RichText
- RoleActor
- RuleConfiguration
- SanitizedJqlQueries
- SanitizedJqlQuery
- Scope
- Screen
- ScreenDetails
- ScreenScheme
- ScreenSchemeDetails
- ScreenSchemeId
- ScreenTypes
- ScreenWithTab
- ScreenableField
- ScreenableTab
- SearchAutoCompleteFilter
- SearchRequestBean
- SearchResults
- SecurityLevel
- SecurityScheme
- SecuritySchemes
- ServerInformation
- SharePermission
- SharePermissionInputBean
- SimpleApplicationPropertyBean
- SimpleErrorCollection
- SimpleLink
- SimpleListWrapperApplicationRole
- SimpleListWrapperGroupName
- SimplifiedHierarchyLevel
- Status
- StatusCategory
- StatusDetails
- StatusMapping
- SuggestedIssue
- SystemAvatars
- TaskProgressBeanObject
- TaskProgressBeanRemoveOptionFromIssuesResult
- TimeTrackingConfiguration
- TimeTrackingDetails
- TimeTrackingProvider
- Transition
- TransitionScreenDetails
- Transitions
- UnrestrictedUserEmail
- UpdateCustomFieldDetails
- UpdateDefaultScreenScheme
- UpdateFieldConfigurationSchemeDetails
- UpdateProjectDetails
- UpdateScreenDetails
- UpdateScreenSchemeDetails
- UpdateScreenTypes
- UpdateUserToGroupBean
- UpdatedProjectCategory
- User
- UserBean
- UserBeanAvatarUrls
- UserContextVariable
- UserDetails
- UserFilter
- UserKey
- UserList
- UserMigrationBean
- UserPermission
- UserPickerUser
- ValueOperand
- Version
- VersionIssueCounts
- VersionIssuesStatus
- VersionMoveBean
- VersionUnresolvedIssuesCount
- VersionUsageInCustomField
- Visibility
- Votes
- Watchers
- Webhook
- WebhookDetails
- WebhookRegistrationDetails
- WebhooksExpirationDate
- Workflow
- WorkflowCompoundCondition
- WorkflowCondition
- WorkflowId
- WorkflowIds
- WorkflowOperations
- WorkflowRules
- WorkflowRulesSearch
- WorkflowRulesSearchDetails
- WorkflowScheme
- WorkflowSchemeAssociations
- WorkflowSchemeIdName
- WorkflowSchemeProjectAssociation
- WorkflowSimpleCondition
- WorkflowStatus
- WorkflowTransition
- WorkflowTransitionProperty
- WorkflowTransitionRule
- WorkflowTransitionRules
- WorkflowTransitionRulesDetails
- WorkflowTransitionRulesUpdate
- WorkflowTransitionRulesUpdateErrorDetails
- WorkflowTransitionRulesUpdateErrors
- WorkflowsWithTransitionRulesDetails
- Worklog
- WorklogIdsRequestBean
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