1 unstable release

0.1.0 Aug 14, 2023

#2091 in Parser implementations

MIT license

861 lines

ISO6709 parser

This library uses the nom crate to create parsers to quickly convert ISO6709 formatted strings. This results in a much faster parse than using Regex based libraries, from 4 to 10x faster.

From traits have been implemented for the geo_types crate for easy conversion from strings.

Supports formats for latitude with N or S and E and W instead of + or -:


along with altitude when properly formatted IAW ISO6709, for example +1200.00-02130.00+2321CRS_WGS_85/

Also supports the "Human Readable" format: DD°MMSS.SSS″N DDD°MMSS.SSS″W

/// rust ///use iso6709parse::parse; /// ///let coord: geo_types::Coord = parse("N35.50W170.10+8712CRSWGS_85/").unwrap(); ///assert_eq!(coord.y, 35.5); /// ///


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