#account #namespaces #on-chain #index #virtual #indexing #solana


Virtual namespaces for indexing Solana accounts on-chain

6 releases (breaking)

0.5.0 Dec 12, 2021
0.4.0 Dec 11, 2021
0.3.0 Dec 10, 2021
0.2.1 Dec 10, 2021
0.1.0 Dec 9, 2021

#70 in #on-chain

MIT license

182 lines

🔢 Indexor

Indexor creates virtual namespaces for indexing Solana accounts on-chain. These indicies are key-value stores (KVS) and can be used to map account addresses to more predictable names. Indexor supports creating indicies with either serial namespaces (0, 1, 2, 3 ... like an array) or freeform namespaces ("foo", "bar", "baz" ... like a hashmap). It additionally supports an algorithm for constant-time "reverse-lookup" searches from an address to its name in an index.

If you spot a bug or want to make an improvement, join the Faktor Discord and come say hello! We're a group of people building public key infrastructure (PKI) and payments systems on Solana.

⚙️ How It Works

TODO write this section

👉 Getting Started

Integrate and build

To integrate with the Indexor program, add it to your dependencies (see CPI Examples for sample code snippets):

# Cargo.toml

indexor = { version = "0.5.0", features = ["cpi"] }

Hack around

To download and play with the code, clone the repo:

# Terminal

git clone git@github.com:faktorfi/indexor.git
cd indexor
anchor build
anchor test

🦀 CPI Examples

The code snippets in this section are for Solana programs that need to create and manage their own on-chain indices. These examples assume the program has a singleton "program authority account" for signing instructions on behalf of the program.

Creating an index

This example instruction create_my_index displays a program creating a freeform index in a custom namespace. Since the program signs the create_index instruction with its authority account (a PDA), Indexor marks the authority as the index's owner – guaranteeing only the program authority may write to the index.

// create_my_index.rs

use {
    anchor_lang::{prelude::*, solana_program::system_program},
        cpi::{accounts::CreateIndex, create_index},

#[instruction(namespace: String, bump: u8)]
pub struct CreateMyIndex<'info> {
    #[account(mut, seeds = [SEED_AUTHORITY], bump = authority.bump)]
    pub authority: Account<'info, Authority>,

    pub index: Account<'info, Index>,

    #[account(address = indexor::ID)]
    pub indexor_program: Program<'info, Indexor>,

    pub signer: Signer<'info>,

    #[account(address = system_program::ID)]
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

pub fn handler(ctx: Context<CreateMyIndex>, namespace: String, bump: u8) -> ProgramResult {
    // Get accounts.
    let authority = &ctx.accounts.authority;
    let index = &ctx.accounts.index;
    let indexor_program = &ctx.accounts.indexor_program;
    let system_program = &ctx.accounts.system_program;

    // Initialize index account.
            CreateIndex {
                index: index.to_account_info(),
                signer: authority.to_account_info(),
                system_program: system_program.to_account_info(),
            &[&[SEED_AUTHORITY, &[authority.bump]]],


~424K SLoC