#clipboard #terminal #utility #cli

app inclip

A simple terminal utility for clipboard interaction and convenience

4 stable releases

2.0.1 Aug 3, 2021
1.0.2 Sep 9, 2020

#92 in #clipboard

MIT license

127 lines


This is a simple terminal utility for interacting with the system clipboard that should work on most platforms. Running it with no arguments will echo the system clipboard. Running the inclip diff [FILE] subcommand will allow you to compare clipboard content to a file. Running inclip diff without a file arg will cause the program to pause and wait for input, allowing you to change the clipboard contents and compare the previous contents to the new contents. inclip copy can be used to echo into the clipboard (rather than from the clipboard).

        Echo clipboard content
    inclip diff [file] [args...]
        Perform a comparison of clipboard content
        against a file or other clipboard
        content. On Mac and Linux, accepts all
        args that the `diff` command accepts. On
        Windows, accepts all args that the 
        `fc.exe` command accepts. If a file is
        included, it must come before all other
        arguments that would usually be passed to
        diff or fc.exe. 
    inclip copy [file]
        Echos either standard input OR a file into
        the clipboard. 


~115K SLoC