Cargo Features

icon_sets = { version = "0.3.0", default-features = false, features = ["full", "boxicons", "feather", "lucide", "simple_icons", "tabler_icons"] }
default = full

The full feature is set by default whenever icon_sets is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full default = ant_design_icons, bootstrap_icons, boxicons, charm_icons, codicons, css_gg, feather, font_awesome, heroicons, ionicons, lucide, microns, octicons, remixicon, simple_icons, tabler_icons
ant_design_icons bootstrap_icons boxicons full
charm_icons codicons css_gg feather full
font_awesome heroicons ionicons lucide full
microns octicons remixicon simple_icons full
tabler_icons full

ICON_SETS has 7 features without comments.