Iceberg-rust is used at run time in 13 crates.

Number of dependers Iceberg-rust version Downloads/month
10 0.6.1 390
3 0.2.1 9
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Iceberg-rust version
370 6 datafusion_iceberg ^0.6.1
360 1 iceberg-sql-catalog ^0.6.1
320 1 iceberg-file-catalog ^0.6.1
320 1 iceberg-rest-catalog ^0.6.1
320 2 frostbow ^0.6
310 1 iceberg-s3tables-catalog ^0.6.1
300 1 iceberg-glue-catalog ^0.6.1
300 frostbow-sql ^0.6
290 frostbow-glue ^0.6
280 1 datafusion-iceberg-sql ^0.6.1
1 iceberg-catalog-sql ^0.2.0
1 target-iceberg ^0.2
dashtool ^0.2