Cargo Features

ibc-types = { version = "0.15.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "with_serde", "mocks"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever ibc-types is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default

Enables std of ibc-types-core-channel, ibc-types-core-client, ibc-types-core-commitment, ibc-types-core-connection, ibc-types-identifier, ibc-types-lightclients-tendermint, ibc-types-path, ibc-types-timestamp, and ibc-types-transfer


Enables with_serde of ibc-types-core-channel, ibc-types-core-client, ibc-types-core-commitment, ibc-types-core-connection, ibc-types-identifier, ibc-types-lightclients-tendermint, ibc-types-path, ibc-types-timestamp, and ibc-types-transfer


This feature is required for token transfer (ICS-20)


This feature grants access to development-time mocking libraries, such as MockContext or MockHeader. Depends on the testgen suite for generating Tendermint light blocks.

Enables std of ibc-types-core-commitment, std of ibc-types-path, mocks of ibc-types-timestamp, std of ibc-types-transfer, mocks of ibc-types-core-channel and ibc-types-core-client, mocks of ibc-types-core-connection and ibc-types-identifier