Cargo Features

ibc-testkit = { version = "0.57.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "serde", "schema", "borsh", "parity-scale-codec"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever ibc-testkit is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default schema?

Enables std of hex and ibc

ibc dependencies

and std of ibc-proto, serde, serde-json-wasm, and tendermint


cosmos dependencies

serde schema? std

Enables serde and serde-json-wasm, serde of ibc and ibc-proto

Affects applications::transfer, tendermint::dummy_valid_tendermint_header, tendermint::dummy_expired_tendermint_header, tendermint::dummy_ics07_header, nft_transfer::context, transfer::context, utils::test_serialization_roundtrip

schema = serde, std

Enables schemars, schema of ibc, json-schema of ibc-proto


Enables borsh, borsh of ibc and ibc-proto


Enables parity-scale-codec of ibc and ibc-proto