Cargo Features

ianaio-net = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["json", "websocket", "http", "eventsource", "io-util"] }
default = eventsource, http, json, websocket

These default features are set whenever ianaio-net is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

json default = serde, serde_json

Enables .json() on Response

Enables serde of ianaio-utils

websocket default = futures-channel, futures-core, futures-sink, pin-project

Enables the WebSocket API

Enables AddEventListenerOptions, BinaryType, Blob, CloseEvent, CloseEventInit, ErrorEvent, FileReader, MessageEvent, ProgressEvent and WebSocket of web-sys

Affects ianaio-net::websocket

http default

Enables the HTTP API

Enables AbortSignal, Blob, FormData, Headers, ObserverCallback, ReadableStream, ReferrerPolicy, Request, RequestCache, RequestCredentials, RequestInit, RequestMode, RequestRedirect, Response, ResponseInit, ResponseType, Url, UrlSearchParams, Window and WorkerGlobalScope of web-sys

Affects ianaio-net::http

eventsource default = futures-channel, futures-core, pin-project

Enables the EventSource API

Enables Event, EventSource, EventTarget and MessageEvent of web-sys

Affects ianaio-net::eventsource

io-util = futures-io

As of now, only implements AsyncRead and AsyncWrite on WebSocket

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

futures-core eventsource websocket
futures-sink websocket
futures-io io-util?
serde json
serde_json json
futures-channel eventsource websocket
pin-project eventsource websocket