#html-parser #token-tree #ast #syntax-tree #extract #tags #attributes

bin+lib hyperparse

A HyperText Markup Language (HTML) parser written in Rust. (WIP)

3 releases

0.1.2 Jul 19, 2023
0.1.1 Jul 19, 2023
0.1.0 Jul 19, 2023

#2835 in Parser implementations

43 downloads per month

MIT license

64 lines

Hyperparse (Not yet built)

Hyperparse is a powerful and flexible HTML parsing library implemented in Rust. It allows you to parse HTML documents, extract structured information, and perform various operations on the parsed data.


  • HTML Parsing: Hyperparse parses HTML documents and constructs a token tree or abstract syntax tree (AST) representing the hierarchical structure of the HTML.

  • Tag, Attribute, and Text Extraction: The parser extracts tags, attributes, and text content from the HTML document, allowing you to access and manipulate specific elements.

  • Traversal and Querying: Hyperparse provides utilities for traversing and querying the token tree or AST, enabling you to search for specific elements, navigate the HTML structure, and perform targeted operations.

  • Flexible API: The Hyperparse API is designed to be flexible and customizable. You can easily integrate the parser into your Rust applications and adapt it to suit your specific use cases.

Getting Started


  • Rust (stable version)


Add Hyperparse as a dependency in your Cargo.toml file:

hyperparse = "0.1.0"


Here's a simple example of how to use Hyperparse to parse an HTML document and extract the title:

use hyperparse::parser::parse;
use hyperparse::query::Query;

fn main() {
    let html = r#"
                <title>My Website</title>
                <p>This is the content of my website.</p>

    let document = parse(html);
    let title = document.query().tag("title").text().first().unwrap();

    println!("Title: {}", title);

For more details on how to use Hyperparse and its various functionalities, please refer to the documentation and examples in the https://github.com/tidefeed/hyperparse(Hyperparse GitHub repository).


Contributions to Hyperparse are welcome! If you find any bugs, have feature requests, or want to contribute improvements or new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request in the https://github.com/tidefeed/hyperparse(Hyperparse GitHub repository).

Please make sure to follow the contribution guidelines when submitting your contributions.


Hyperparse is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details. Acknowledgements

We would like to thank the contributors and open source community for their valuable contributions and support. Contact

For any questions or inquiries, please contact us at thorbensen@gmail.com.

No runtime deps