#web-framework #erb #rails-inspired #rust

macro hust-macro

A way to embed Rust into HTML code and use it wherever you'd like

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jan 18, 2024

#426 in #web-framework

MIT license



Hust is an HTML-first way to embed Rust in HTML.

This Crate

This crate is for using hust in your projects.


Use a .hust file like so:

let result = include_hust!("test.hust");

Imagine your file looks like:

<h1>Hello, World!</h1>
<p>Hello from Hust!</p>
<%= variable_name %>

The file will be converted to rust code that looks like the below, which will be inserted in place where the macro is run.

let output_buffer = String::new();
output_buffer.push_str("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>\n\r<p>Hello from Hust!</p>\n\r");

This code is then inlined right where you called the macro.

Example Hust

<div class="user">
  <%= &user.username %>

Or for more complex usage:

<h1>All Users</h1>
<div class="py-2">
  <%= &users.len().to_string() %> users found.
<% for user in users { %>
  <div class="user">
    <a href="/users/<%= &user.id.to_string() %>">
    <%= &user.username %>
<% } %>

<a href="/users/new" class="btn btn-primary">New User</a>

Downsides / Drawbacks

Currently, it is impossible to debug. Due to the way macros work in Rust currently, any errors in your Hust code will be shown at include_hust! and not on the line of the file that actually caused the error. We are thinking of ways to improve this in the future.


~33K SLoC