3 unstable releases

0.2.0 Nov 17, 2023
0.1.1 May 18, 2023
0.1.0 May 18, 2023

#329 in HTTP client

40 downloads per month
Used in 4 crates





See full documentation


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

http-adapter = "0.2.0"

Maintenance Build Status Documentation

Adapter for HTTP client agnostic requests

This crate allows the async libraries to be HTTP client agnostic and not force a particular choice of an async runtime because of it. It is mostly useful when you develop a crate that provides access to an HTTP API.

If you need to do somewhat simple HTTP requests (multiple HTTP methods, header/cookie management is included), want to be HTTP client agnostic and not lock the downstream users to a particular async runtime (think tokio, async-std, smol) then you need to make sure that your API client accepts an instance of the generic type implementing HttpClientAdapter and use it to make HTTP requests. Users of your crate will then use a particular adapter based on the actual HTTP client (e.g. request, ureq, surf, etc.) and supply it when creating your API client.


The HttpClientAdapter trait exposes a single async function [HttpClientAdapter::execute()]. It takes an instance of http::Request that encodes the necessary request parameters like HTTP method and URL and executes it. Then it returns an instance of http::Response with the server response. The request and response types come from the http crate. The body of the request and response are expected to be Vec<u8>.

Adapter implementation

To create a new implementation of HttpClientAdapter for an HTTP client library please refer to the following crates:

  • http-adapter-reqwest - async wrapper, simple case because reqwest is using http types internally
  • http-adapter-surf - async wrapper, more complicated case because of the need to convert types
  • http-adapter-ureq - sync wrapper, complex case because of the need to wrap a sync client in an runtime-agnostic fashion

Simple APIClient example

use http_adapter::http::Request;
use http_adapter::HttpClientAdapter;

struct APIClient<HttpClient> {
    http_client: HttpClient,

impl<HttpClient: HttpClientAdapter> APIClient<HttpClient> {
    /// Create new `APIClient` by supplying an HTTP client implementation
    pub fn new(http_client: HttpClient) -> Self {
        Self { http_client }

    pub async fn create_entry(&self) -> Result<(), HttpClient::Error> {
        let request = Request::post("http://localhost")
            .header(http::header::AUTHORIZATION, "Bearer 12345")
            .body(r#"{ "value": 42 }"#.as_bytes().to_vec())
            .expect("Can't create request");
        let response = self.http_client.execute(request).await?;

/// Default implementation for cases where adapter implements `Default`
impl<HttpClient: HttpClientAdapter + Default> Default for APIClient<HttpClient> {
    fn default() -> Self {

License: LGPL-3.0


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