1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Jun 4, 2018

#15 in #html5ever

MIT license

212 lines


Travis CI Status MIT licensed crates.io Released API docs

Adapters to easily stream data into an html5ever parser.


This crate aims to provide shims to make it relatively painless to parse html from some stream of data. This stream could be consumed by the standard IO Reader/Writer traits, or via a Stream from the futures crate

  • Support for any Stream that emits an item implementing AsRef<[u8]>
    • Supports hyper and unstable reqwest types automatically
  • Support for reqwest's copy_to method
  • Helper wrappers for RcDom to make it easier to work with.


Using Hyper 0.11

extern crate futures;
extern crate html5ever;
extern crate html5ever_stream;
extern crate hyper;
extern crate hyper_tls;
extern crate tokio_core;
extern crate num_cpus;

use html5ever::rcdom;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use hyper::Client;
use hyper_tls::HttpsConnector;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use html5ever_stream::{ParserFuture, NodeStream};

fn main() {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let handle = core.handle();
    let client = Client::configure()
        .connector(HttpsConnector::new(num_cpus::get(), &handle).unwrap())

    // NOTE: We throw away errors here in two places, you are better off casting them into your
    // own custom error type in order to propagate them.
    let req_fut = client.get("https://github.com".parse().unwrap()).map_err(|_| ());
    let parser_fut = req_fut.and_then(|res| {
        ParserFuture::new(res.body().map_err(|_| ()), rcdom::RcDom::default())
    let nodes = parser_fut.and_then(|dom| {
    let print_fut = nodes.and_then(|vn| {
        println!("found {} elements", vn.len());

Using Unstable Async Reqwest 0.8.6

extern crate futures;
extern crate html5ever;
extern crate html5ever_stream;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate tokio_core;

use html5ever::rcdom;
use futures::{Future, Stream};
use reqwest::unstable::async as async_reqwest;
use tokio_core::reactor::Core;
use html5ever_stream::{ParserFuture, NodeStream};

fn main() {
    let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
    let client = async_reqwest::Client::new(&core.handle());

    // NOTE: We throw away errors here in two places, you are better off casting them into your
    // own custom error type in order to propagate them.
    let req_fut = client.get("https://github.com").send().map_err(|_| ());
    let parser_fut = req_fut.and_then(|res| {
        ParserFuture::new(res.into_body().map_err(|_| ()), rcdom::RcDom::default())
    let nodes = parser_fut.and_then(|dom| {
    let print_fut = nodes.and_then(|vn| {
        println!("found {} elements", vn.len());

Using Stable Reqwest 0.8.6

extern crate html5ever;
extern crate html5ever_stream;
extern crate reqwest;

use html5ever::rcdom;
use html5ever_stream::{ParserSink, NodeIter};

fn main() {
    let mut resp = reqwest::get("https://github.com").unwrap();
    let mut parser = ParserSink::new(rcdom::RcDom::default());
    resp.copy_to(&mut parser).unwrap();
    let document = parser.finish();
    let nodes: Vec<rcdom::Handle> = NodeIter::new(&document).collect();
    println!("found {} elements", nodes.len());


Licensed under the MIT License


~55K SLoC