#persistent #dag #directed-acyclic-graph #rewriting #reference-counting #hashconsing


Library and procedural macros for Hash Consed, Immutable, Reference Counted, Persistent, Directed Acyclic Graph data structures

2 releases

0.1.1 Apr 21, 2022
0.1.0 Jan 16, 2021

#755 in Data structures


1.5K SLoC

Hirpdag   Book Status Build Status Latest Version

Hirpdag is a library and procedural macro for creating data structures which are:

  • Hash Consed
  • Immutable
  • Reference Counted
  • Persistent
  • Directed Acyclic Graph

Hirpdag generates the data structure specific boilerplate code to implement these features, and code for performing DAG rewriting on Hirpdag objects.

Hirpdag supports different hashconsing implementations and includes a benchmarking suite for evaluating performance of different hashconsing implementations.


use hirpdag::*;

struct Expr {
    x: ExprKind,

enum ExprKind {

struct Variables {
    x: Expr,

pub struct HirpdagEndMarker;

fn nary_expr_normalize(...) { ... } // See full code in test suite.

impl Expr {
    // Because we added the normalizer attribute on Expr, we implement Expr::new(...).
    // To produce a normalized Expr, this function will use Expr::spawn(...).
    fn new(x: ExprKind) -> Expr {
        // Normalization
        match x {
            ExprKind::Mul(original_factors) => {
                return nary_expr_normalize(original_factors,
                    1, // Identity when combining constants
                    |a, b| a * b, // Combine constants
                    |x| match x { ExprKind::Mul(e) => Some(&e), _ => None }, // Flatten nested Mul
                    |e| Expr::spawn(ExprKind::Mul(e))); // Spawn as Mul
            ExprKind::Add(original_terms) => {
                return nary_expr_normalize(original_terms,
                    0, // Identity when combining constants
                    |a, b| a + b, // Combine constants
                    |x| match x { ExprKind::Add(e) => Some(&e), _ => None }, // Flatten nested Add
                    |e| Expr::spawn(ExprKind::Add(e))); // Spawn as Add
            _ => Expr::spawn(x),

fn expr_normalizer_test() {
    let n2: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(2));
    let n3: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(3));
    let n6: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(6));
    assert_ne!(n2, n3);
    assert_ne!(n2, n6);
    assert_ne!(n3, n6);

    let n2n3: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Mul(vec![n2.clone(), n3.clone()]));

    // 2 * 3 == 6
    assert_eq!(n2n3, n6);

    let va: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Var("a".to_string()));

    let n2n3va: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Mul(vec![n2, n3, va.clone()]));
    let n6va: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Mul(vec![n6, va]));

    // 2 * 3 * a == 6 * a
    // Note that this uses pointer equality, not a deep tree comparison.
    assert_eq!(n2n3va, n6va);

struct Substitute {
    var: String,
    s: Expr,

impl Substitute {
    fn new(var: String, s: Expr) -> HirpdagRewriteMemoized<Self> {
        HirpdagRewriteMemoized::new(Self { var: var, s: s })

impl HirpdagRewriter for Substitute {
    fn rewrite_Expr(&self, x: &Expr) -> Expr {
        if let ExprKind::Var(name) = &x.x {
            if *name == self.var {
                return self.s.clone();

fn expr_substitute_test() {
    let n2: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(2));
    let n3: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(3));
    let n6: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Num(6));

    let va: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Var("a".to_string()));
    let vb: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Var("b".to_string()));

    let vavb: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Mul(vec![va.clone(), vb.clone()]));
    let n2vb: Expr = Expr::new(ExprKind::Mul(vec![n2.clone(), vb.clone()]));

    let sub_va_n2 = Substitute::new("a".to_string(), n2);
    let vavb_va_n2 = sub_va_n2.rewrite(&vavb);
    assert_eq!(vavb_va_n2, n2vb);

    let sub_vb_n3 = Substitute::new("b".to_string(), n3);
    let n2vb_vb_n3 = sub_vb_n3.rewrite(&n2vb);
    assert_eq!(n2vb_vb_n3, n6);

Benchmark Results

Primes2000 Primes2000Same

At commit on AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor

Building Documentation

You can build the book locally with:

$ cargo install mdbook
$ mdbook build book


Licensed under either of MIT License or Apache License 2.0 at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


~37K SLoC