Cargo Features

highroller = { version = "0.1.0", default-features = false, features = ["u8_index", "u16_index", "u32_index", "usize_index", "strict", "allow_arithmetics", "test_suite_a", "test_suite_b", "test_suite_c"] }
default = strict, u16_index

These default features are set whenever highroller is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

u8_index test_suite_a?

select one for the size of the rolling index

u16_index default test_suite_c?
u32_index test_suite_b?
u64_index u128_index usize_index
strict default test_suite_c?

actual features

ruid_type allow_arithmetics test_suite_a? test_suite_b? test_suite_c?
test_suite_a = allow_arithmetics, ruid_type, u8_index

test suites

test_suite_b = allow_arithmetics, ruid_type, u32_index
test_suite_c = allow_arithmetics, ruid_type, strict, u16_index