#context #node #how #pack #pack-unpack #try #phext

app hello-phext

A rust-native implementation of phext

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.0.6 Feb 5, 2024

#341 in Text processing

MIT license

613 lines


This repository demonstrates how to work with phext from a rust context.


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install Rust
  3. Run cargo build


  1. Complete the build steps above
  2. Run cargo test


After completing the build and test commands, you should be able to try out the example, pack, and unpack commands.

Demonstrate how to inspect a phext

Run cargo run help

Compile all local text files into a phext

Run cargo run pack test.phext

Extract all nodes from a phext document into your local directory

Not yet implemented


~26K SLoC