Cargo Features

handlebars_misc_helpers = { version = "0.15.0", default-features = false, features = ["string", "http_attohttpc", "http_reqwest", "json", "jsontype", "jsonnet"] }
default = http_attohttpc, json, jsonnet, string

These default features are set whenever handlebars_misc_helpers is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

string default = jsontype

Enables cruet and enquote

Affects handlebars_misc_helpers::string_helpers

http_attohttpc default

Enables attohttpc ^0.26

Affects http_helpers::register, handlebars_misc_helpers::http_helpers


Enables reqwest ^0.11

Affects http_helpers::register, handlebars_misc_helpers::http_helpers

json default

Enables jmespath, lazy_static, serde, serde_json, serde_yaml, and toml

Affects handlebars_misc_helpers::json_helpers

jsontype string

Enables serde_json

Affects handlebars_misc_helpers::assign_helpers, handlebars_misc_helpers::region_helpers

jsonnet default

Enables jsonnet-rs

Affects handlebars_misc_helpers::jsonnet_helpers