Cargo Features

gwasmi = { version = "0.30.0", default-features = false, features = ["std", "virtual_memory"] }
default = std

The std feature is set by default whenever gwasmi is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

std default virtual_memory?

Enables std of spin, wasmi_arena ^0.4, gwasmi_core, and wasmparser-nostd


Enables std-only features such as yield-relaxing.

virtual_memory = std

Enables OS supported virtual memory.


  • This feature is only supported on 64-bit platforms. For 32-bit platforms the linear memory will fallback to using the Vec based implementation.
  • The default is to fall back is an inefficient vector based implementation.
  • By nature this feature requires region and the Rust standard library.

Enables virtual_memory of gwasmi_core