#gtk #blueprint #ui #convert #parse #builder


A Rust library to parse Blueprint files and convert them into GTK UI files

3 unstable releases

0.2.0 Jul 12, 2022
0.1.1 Jul 11, 2022
0.1.0 Jul 11, 2022

#409 in GUI

GPL-3.0 license


🦀 gtk-ui-builder

A Rust library to parse Blueprint files and convert them into GTK UI files

Inspired by the Blueprint project

Example 1 - blueprints translation

Blueprint file

using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;

Adw.ApplicationWindow window {
    default-width: 600;
    default-height: 500;

    content: Gtk.Box {
        orientation: vertical;

        Adw.HeaderBar {
            title-widget: Adw.WindowTitle {
                title: "Example app";

        Adw.PreferencesPage {
            Adw.PreferencesGroup {
                vexpand: true;
                valign: center;

                Gtk.Button {
                    label: "Hello, World!";

Translation into XML format

use gtk_ui_builder::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    // Read main.blp file
    let pattern = std::fs::read_to_string("assets/ui/main.blp")
        .expect("Failed to read pattern");

    // Parse AST
    let tree = Parser::parse(pattern)
        .expect("Failed to parse blueprint");

    // Output prettified AST
    println!("{}", tree.root.dbg());

    // Get XML representation of this AST
    let ui = tree.get_xml();

    // Write this representation to the file
    // now you can import it as any GTK UI file
    std::fs::write("assets/ui/main.ui", &ui);

Importing blueprint in GTK app

// We're using gtk-builder feature here
use gtk_ui_builder::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    gtk4::init().expect("GTK initialization failed");

    // Create app
    let application = gtk::Application::new(

    // Init app window and show it
    application.connect_activate(|app| {
        // You also can parse blueprint with Parser::parse
        // and then use it in gtk4::Builder
        let builder = Builder::new(include_str!("../assets/ui/main.blp"))
            .expect("Failed to parse blueprint");

        let window = builder.object::<adw::ApplicationWindow>("window").unwrap();


    // Run app

Example 2 - rhai events integration

using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;

Adw.ApplicationWindow window {
    default-width: 600;
    default-height: 500;

    content: Gtk.Box {
        orientation: vertical;

        Adw.HeaderBar {
            title-widget: Adw.WindowTitle window_title {
                title: "Example app";

        Adw.PreferencesPage {
            Adw.PreferencesGroup {
                vexpand: true;
                valign: center;

                Gtk.Button {
                    label: "Hello, World!";

                    clicked => {
                        window_title.set_str("title", "Button clicked: " + self.get_str("label"));

This example requires rhai-events for parsing and gtk-builder for interpreting. Events are automatically applied by the Builder struct

Author: Nikita Podvirnyy

Licensed under GNU GPL 3.0


~102K SLoC