Cargo Features

gotify = { version = "0.4.0", default-features = false, features = ["full", "app", "client", "client-core", "manage-applications", "manage-clients", "manage-messages", "manage-plugins", "manage-users", "websocket", "native-tls", "rustls-tls"] }
default = native-tls

The native-tls feature is set by default whenever gotify is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

full = app, client

Enable all features

app full?

Create messages

Affects gotify::AppClient, gotify::AppToken, models::Message

client full? = manage-applications, manage-clients, manage-messages, manage-plugins, manage-users, websocket

Manage the server, use manage-* or websocket for finer grained control

client-core manage-applications? manage-clients? manage-messages? manage-plugins? manage-users? websocket?

Affects gotify::ClientClient, gotify::ClientToken

manage-applications client? = client-core

Create, read, update and delete applications or modify application images

Affects models::Application

manage-clients client? = client-core

List, create, update or delete clients

Affects models::Client

manage-messages client? = client-core

List or delete messages

Affects models::PagedMessages, models::Paging, models::Message

manage-plugins client? = client-core

List or configure plugins

Affects models::PluginConf

manage-users client? = client-core

List, create, update or delete users

Affects models::User

websocket client? = client-core

Subscribe to newly created messages via a websocket

Enables async-stream, futures-util, and tokio-tungstenite ^0.20.0

Affects models::Message

native-tls default

Enable the native-tls feature on reqwest

Enables native-tls of reqwest ^0.11.12


Enable the rustls-tls feature on reqwest

Enables rustls-tls of reqwest ^0.11.12