Cargo Features

ghx_constrained_delaunay has no features set by default.

ghx_constrained_delaunay = { version = "0.1.2", features = ["f64", "u64_indexes", "parallel_filtering", "debug_context", "progress_log", "profile_traces", "more_profile_traces"] }

Uses f64 for the triangulation.
Can be better for input data that require more precision.
(disabled by default for more performances)

Affects types::f64


Uses u64 indexes for the triangles and the vertices.
Allows for a larger count of vertices to triangulate.
(disabled by default for more performances)

Affects types::u64


Only used in DT not in CDT.
Allows filtering the triangles in parallel during the final step of the algorithm. Since it is only useful for sizeable datasets, the activation threshold can be tweaked in the algorithm input configuration.

Enables rayon

Affects triangulation::TriangulationConfiguration.filter_parallel_tri_count_threshold, triangulation::TriangulationConfiguration.filter_parallel_min_batch_len

debug_context progress_log?

Register debug data (triangles) in buffers during the execution of the triangulation

Affects constrained_triangulation::ConstrainedTriangulationConfiguration.debug_config, ghx_constrained_delaunay::debug, triangulation::TriangulationConfiguration.debug_config, triangulation::Triangulation.debug_context

progress_log = debug_context

Add logs during the triangulation process to indicate the current progress

profile_traces more_profile_traces?

Adds profile spans to use with the Tracy profiler

more_profile_traces = profile_traces

Adds more profile spans to use with the Tracy profiler