#hex #version #user-friendly #create #hex-dump #string #binary

app gh-hex

A project to create more functional versions of existing hex tools

1 unstable release

0.0.0 Sep 5, 2022

#28 in #hex-dump

MIT license

366 lines


Picture of Hex being used

A project to create alternate (and more user friendly) versions of existing hex tools.

The project can be installed as a extension to the github-cli.


To install as a standalone binary, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/sohomdatta1/hex.git
cd hex

For use with github-cli, run the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/sohomdatta1/hex.git
cd hex
gh extension install .


Currently, the following operations are supported:

  • str - Dumps out readable strings in a particular file
  • dump - Dumps out a particular file in hexdump format

If a pager is not desired, the NOPAGER env variable can be set. If colored output is not desired, the NOCOLOR env variable can be set.


The project is written in Rust, mainly as a way for me to learn the language. I feel like implementing common tools such as these will be a nice way to get familiar with the basics.

