10 releases (5 stable)

2.1.0 Oct 29, 2024
2.0.0 Oct 18, 2024
1.0.2 Oct 16, 2024
0.2.2 Sep 4, 2024
0.1.2 Jul 17, 2022

#648 in Rust patterns

MIT license

527 lines


A framework for generalizing inventory logic and abstracting it away from item data in your specific game.

See more examples and specific documentation about this crate on docs.rs.


A framework for generalizing inventory logic and abstracting it away from item data in your specific game.

Design specifications

  • Everything should be interchangeable and as generic as possible.
  • The architecture should support item instance data and item metadata.
  • Should be very reliable (made in rust + unit tests).
  • Fast to set up in new games.


The only assumption that this framework makes is that your items have stacks. Even if your items do not have stacks and are only single items, you can still workshop that to work with this system but it will be more inefficient. However, if your inventory system fundamentally works differently, feel free to take inspiration from the design in here while making your specific tweaks.

Overall architecture

  • trait Item DefaultItem data that never changes, like how the item looks, its base damage, its description e.t.c.
  • trait ItemInstance DefaultItem data that changes between instances, like enchantments, how many you have, their durability, e.t.c.
  • trait Slot Manages a single item instance. Good for binding user action to different types of instance modification (stack splitting, stack combining, e.t.c.). Allows for binding to the UI via a callback function.
  • Vec<Slot> Is the way an inventory is composed. There are builtin functions in inventory_management that can help manage the inventory.

Basic example

// Define your item data however you like:
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct DefaultItem<'a> {
    pub name: &'a str,
    pub max_quantity: u16,
    pub image: Option<Vec<(u8,u8,u8,u8)>>,
    pub item_type: &'a str
// implement Item for it so it can interact with the rest of the system.

impl<'a> Item for DefaultItem<'a> {
    type Id = &'a str;

    fn stackable(&self) -> bool {
        self.max_quantity > 1

    fn max_quant(&self) -> u16 {

    fn id(&self) -> &'a str {
// start using it in combination with everything else!
let CHEESE: DefaultItem = DefaultItem{name:"Cheese", max_quantity:100, image:None, item_type:"Food"};
let CHEESE_INST: Option<DefaultItemInstance<DefaultItem>> = Some(DefaultItemInstance{item:Arc::new(CHEESE.clone()), quantity:32});
let SWORD: DefaultItem = DefaultItem{name:"Sword", max_quantity:0, image:None, item_type:"Weapon"};
let SWORD_INST: Option<DefaultItemInstance<DefaultItem>> = Some(DefaultItemInstance{item:Arc::new(SWORD.clone()), quantity:0});
let mut inventory = vec![
add_to_inventory(&mut inventory, SWORD_INST.unwrap());
assert_eq!(inventory[0].item_instance.as_ref().unwrap().item().id(), CHEESE.id());
assert_eq!(inventory[0].item_instance.as_ref().unwrap().quant(), CHEESE_INST.as_ref().unwrap().quant());
assert_eq!(inventory[1].item_instance.as_ref().unwrap().item().id(), SWORD.id());
assert_eq!(inventory[3].item_instance.as_ref().unwrap().item().id(), CHEESE.id());
assert_eq!(inventory[3].item_instance.as_ref().unwrap().quant(), CHEESE_INST.as_ref().unwrap().quant());

