FUSE is used at run time in 19 crates (of which 1 optionally).

Number of dependers FUSE version Downloads/month
16 0.3.1 4.1K
3 0.2.8 64
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) FUSE version
950 wasmer-cli optional ^0.3
100 sandboxfs ^0.3
netfuse ^0.2.7
1 file_store ^0.3.1
outoforderfs ^0.2
vfs_service ^0.3.1
soundcloud-fs ^0.3
1 readwriteseekfs ^0.3.0
fusenbd ^0.3.1
mtfs ^0.3.1
oramfs ^0.3.1
mizumochi ^0.3
qcow2-fuse ^0.2
catfs ^0.3.0
canarywatcher ^0.3.1
shotwellvfs ^0.3
btfs ^0.3.1