#date-time #freedom #format #representation #was #birthday


Create and print dates in Freedom Format

1 stable release

1.0.0 Feb 8, 2023

#5 in #birthday

23 downloads per month

Custom license

162 lines

Freedom Dates

Let no man put afunder what I believe is thee proper way to shew a written Date. --General George Washington

The freedom-dates crate provides a convenient suite of affordances for working with dates in freedom format. That is, it takes representations of dates in Communinst formats like "2023-02-08", and liberates them into a Freedom format like "2/8/23".

    let communism = "2023-02-08T12:00:00-07:00";

    let freedom = FreedomDate::liberate(communism).unwrap();
    assert_eq!("2/7/23", &result.to_string());

Since Freedom was born on the Fourth of July, 1776 (7/4/76), dates before then are neither valid nor representable. If you attempt to liberate a date like that, you'll get a FreedomError::PreCreation error. Attempts to liberate a date that is too Communist will result in a FreedomError::TooCommunist error.

    let bad_communism = "Comrade, today is the eighth of Februrary, in the year 2023.";
    let pre_history = "1775-07-04";

    let too_communist = FreedomDate::liberate(bad_communism).unwrap_err();
    let pre_historic_nonsense = FreedomDate::liberate(pre_history).unwrap_err();

    println!("'{bad_communism}' is impossible to comprehend: `{too_communist}`\n");

    println!("'{pre_history}' is not a real date: `{pre_historic_nonsense}`\n");

will print out:

'Comrade, today is the eighth of Februrary, in the year 2023.' is impossible to comprehend: I don't speak your crazy Communism-language! 'Comrade, today is the eighth of Februrary, in the year 2023.'

'1775-07-04' is not a real date: That doesn't hardly make no sense, '1775-07-04' is before the very start of Time/Freedom itself.

A freedomstamp is the number of seconds since the birth of Freedom, and positive integer values can be turned into FreedomDates:

    // `From<u64>` is implemented for FreedomDates
    let birthday_of_freedom: FreedomDate = 0.into();
    println!("The Birthday of Freedom is {birthday_of_freedom}\n");

will print

The Birthday of Freedom is 7/4/76


    let one_day = Duration::days(1);
    let day_after_freedom = birthday_of_freedom + one_day;
        "The day after Freedom was born, {day_after_freedom}, {} seconds had passed.",

will print

The day after Freedom was born, 7/5/76, 86400 seconds had passed.

These examples can be found in the tour.


Freedom STARTS at number 1, baby! And every release is ten times the last, so second release is 10, then 100, etc. FREEDOM!


This software is released under the Chaos License


~76K SLoC