15 releases (7 breaking)
0.7.0 | Mar 5, 2025 |
0.6.0 | Nov 18, 2024 |
0.5.1 | Jan 31, 2025 |
#4 in #substrate-frame
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Used in 23 crates
(2 directly)
Decode extrinsics, storage keys and storage values from modern or historic Substrate runtimes.
See https://docs.rs/frame-decode/latest/frame_decode/ for more documentation and examples.
Decoding historic extrinsics
use frame_decode::extrinsics::decode_extrinsic_legacy;
use frame_metadata::RuntimeMetadata;
use parity_scale_codec::Decode;
use scale_info_legacy::ChainTypeRegistry;
use scale_value::scale::ValueVisitor;
let metadata_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/metadata_5000000_30.scale").unwrap();
let RuntimeMetadata::V12(metadata) = RuntimeMetadata::decode(&mut &*metadata_bytes).unwrap() else { panic!() };
let extrinsics_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/exts_5000000_30.json").unwrap();
let extrinsics_hex: Vec<String> = serde_json::from_slice(&extrinsics_bytes).unwrap();
// For historic types, we also need to provide type definitions, since they aren't in the
// metadata. We use scale-info-legacy to do this, and have already defined types for the
// Polkadot relay chain, so let's load those in:
let historic_type_bytes = std::fs::read("types/polkadot_types.yaml").unwrap();
let historic_types: ChainTypeRegistry = serde_yaml::from_slice(&historic_type_bytes).unwrap();
// We configure the loaded types for the spec version of the extrinsics we want to decode,
// because types can vary between different spec versions.
let mut historic_types_for_spec = historic_types.for_spec_version(30);
// We also want to embelish these types with information from the metadata itself. This avoids
// needing to hardcode a load of type definitions that we can already construct from the metadata.
let types_from_metadata = frame_decode::helpers::type_registry_from_metadata(&metadata).unwrap();
for ext_hex in extrinsics_hex {
let ext_bytes = hex::decode(ext_hex.trim_start_matches("0x")).unwrap();
// Decode the extrinsic, returning information about it:
let ext_info = decode_extrinsic_legacy(&mut &*ext_bytes, &metadata, &historic_types_for_spec).unwrap();
// Decode the signature details to scale_value::Values.
if let Some(sig) = ext_info.signature_payload() {
let address_bytes = &ext_bytes[sig.address_range()];
let address_value = decode_with_visitor(
&mut &*address_bytes,
let signature_bytes = &ext_bytes[sig.signature_range()];
let signature_value = decode_with_visitor(
&mut &*signature_bytes,
// Decode the transaction extensions to scale_value::Values.
if let Some(exts) = ext_info.transaction_extension_payload() {
for ext in exts.iter() {
let ext_name = ext.name();
let ext_bytes = &ext_bytes[ext.range()];
let ext_value = decode_with_visitor(
&mut &*ext_bytes,
// Decode the call data args to scale_value::Values.
for arg in ext_info.call_data() {
let arg_name = arg.name();
let arg_bytes = &ext_bytes[arg.range()];
let arg_value = decode_with_visitor(
&mut &*arg_bytes,
Decoding historic storage keys
use frame_decode::storage::decode_storage_key_legacy;
use frame_metadata::RuntimeMetadata;
use parity_scale_codec::Decode;
use scale_info_legacy::ChainTypeRegistry;
use scale_value::scale::ValueVisitor;
let metadata_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/metadata_5000000_30.scale").unwrap();
let RuntimeMetadata::V12(metadata) = RuntimeMetadata::decode(&mut &*metadata_bytes).unwrap() else { panic!() };
let storage_keyval_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/storage_5000000_30_staking_validators.json").unwrap();
let storage_keyval_hex: Vec<(String, String)> = serde_json::from_slice(&storage_keyval_bytes).unwrap();
// For historic types, we also need to provide type definitions, since they aren't in the
// metadata. We use scale-info-legacy to do this, and have already defined types for the
// Polkadot relay chain, so let's load those in:
let historic_type_bytes = std::fs::read("types/polkadot_types.yaml").unwrap();
let historic_types: ChainTypeRegistry = serde_yaml::from_slice(&historic_type_bytes).unwrap();
// We configure the loaded types for the spec version of the extrinsics we want to decode,
// because types can vary between different spec versions.
let mut historic_types_for_spec = historic_types.for_spec_version(30);
// We also want to embelish these types with information from the metadata itself. This avoids
// needing to hardcode a load of type definitions that we can already construct from the metadata.
let types_from_metadata = frame_decode::helpers::type_registry_from_metadata(&metadata).unwrap();
for (key, _val) in storage_keyval_hex {
let key_bytes = hex::decode(key.trim_start_matches("0x")).unwrap();
// Decode the storage key, returning information about it:
let storage_info = decode_storage_key_legacy(
&mut &*key_bytes,
for part in storage_info.parts() {
// Access information about the hasher for this part of the key:
let hash_bytes = &key_bytes[part.hash_range()];
let hasher = part.hasher();
// If the value is encoded as part of the hasher, we can find and
// decode the value too:
if let Some(value_info) = part.value() {
let value_bytes = &key_bytes[value_info.range()];
let value = decode_with_visitor(
&mut &*value_bytes,
Decoding historic storage values
use frame_decode::storage::decode_storage_value_legacy;
use frame_metadata::RuntimeMetadata;
use parity_scale_codec::Decode;
use scale_info_legacy::ChainTypeRegistry;
use scale_value::scale::ValueVisitor;
let metadata_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/metadata_5000000_30.scale").unwrap();
let RuntimeMetadata::V12(metadata) = RuntimeMetadata::decode(&mut &*metadata_bytes).unwrap() else { panic!() };
let storage_keyval_bytes = std::fs::read("artifacts/storage_5000000_30_staking_validators.json").unwrap();
let storage_keyval_hex: Vec<(String, String)> = serde_json::from_slice(&storage_keyval_bytes).unwrap();
// For historic types, we also need to provide type definitions, since they aren't in the
// metadata. We use scale-info-legacy to do this, and have already defined types for the
// Polkadot relay chain, so let's load those in:
let historic_type_bytes = std::fs::read("types/polkadot_types.yaml").unwrap();
let historic_types: ChainTypeRegistry = serde_yaml::from_slice(&historic_type_bytes).unwrap();
// We configure the loaded types for the spec version of the extrinsics we want to decode,
// because types can vary between different spec versions.
let mut historic_types_for_spec = historic_types.for_spec_version(30);
// We also want to embelish these types with information from the metadata itself. This avoids
// needing to hardcode a load of type definitions that we can already construct from the metadata.
let types_from_metadata = frame_decode::helpers::type_registry_from_metadata(&metadata).unwrap();
for (_key, val) in storage_keyval_hex {
let value_bytes = hex::decode(val.trim_start_matches("0x")).unwrap();
// Decode the storage value, here into a scale_value::Value:
let account_value = decode_storage_value_legacy(
&mut &*value_bytes,
~130K SLoC