3 stable releases

Uses old Rust 2015

1.0.2 Apr 6, 2018
1.0.1 Mar 30, 2018

#2059 in Data structures

MIT license

505 lines

Functional random-access lists (fral)

Build Status crates.io docs.rs

fral = "1.0"

A functional random access list is an efficient data structure with lookup and update operations in O(log n), and cons and uncons operations in O(1) while preserving the original list. It was introduced in Chris Okasaki's 1995 ACM FPCA paper Purely Functional Random-Access Lists.

We provide Arc-based and Rc-based implementations in Fral and rc::Fral, depending on your use-case. Because Arc is the most versatile, it is the "primary" implementation for this crate. However, if you don't need thread-safety, rc::Fral has less overhead and should be used instead — it is a drop-in replacement for Fral.


extern crate fral;
use fral::Fral;
use std::sync::Arc;

// cons is O(1)
let mut f = Fral::new();
for item in vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5] {
    f = f.cons(item);

// lookup is O(log n)
if let Some(x) = f.get(4) {
    assert_eq!(*x, 1);
} else { unreachable!() }
// lookup out of bounds is O(1)
assert_eq!(f.get(5), None);

// uncons is O(1)
if let Some((head, tail)) = f.uncons() {
    assert_eq!(*head, 5);
    assert_eq!(tail.len(), 4);
} else { unreachable!() }

// in this scope, we want f to have an extra item in front.
// we can do this in O(1), without cloning any items.
    let f = f.cons(42);

    assert_eq!(*f.get(0).unwrap(), 42);
    assert_eq!(*f.get(5).unwrap(), 1);

// our original Fral is still here
    vec![Arc::new(5), Arc::new(4)]

Comparison with im

The following are benchmark results against Fral, im::Vector, im::CatList, and im::ConsList (im version 10.0.0) with the get, cons, and uncons operations (which are push_front and pop_front for im::Vector). Results are sorted by efficiency.

test get_im_vector      ... bench:      25,968 ns/iter (+/- 113)
test get_fral           ... bench:      37,356 ns/iter (+/- 124)
test get_im_catlist     ... bench:  15,397,279 ns/iter (+/- 375,877)
test get_im_conslist    ... bench:  36,834,300 ns/iter (+/- 1,073,303)

test cons_im_conslist   ... bench:     170,603 ns/iter (+/- 461)
test cons_fral          ... bench:     294,475 ns/iter (+/- 195)
test cons_im_catlist    ... bench:     641,423 ns/iter (+/- 2,625)
test cons_im_vector     ... bench:     949,886 ns/iter (+/- 6,663)

test uncons_im_conslist ... bench:          17 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test uncons_fral        ... bench:          52 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test uncons_im_catlist  ... bench:         149 ns/iter (+/- 0)
test uncons_im_vector   ... bench:         454 ns/iter (+/- 2)

No runtime deps