Cargo Features

former_types = { version = "2.5.0", default-features = false, features = ["no_std", "use_alloc", "full", "enabled", "derive_former", "types_components", "types_component_assign"] }
default = derive_former, enabled, types_component_assign, types_components

These default features are set whenever former_types is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

no_std use_alloc?

Enables no_std of collection_tools

use_alloc = no_std

Enables use_alloc of collection_tools

Affects forming::FormingEndClosure

full = derive_former, enabled, types_component_assign, types_components
enabled default full?

Enables enabled of collection_tools

Affects former_types::dependency, former_types::protected, former_types::orphan, former_types::exposed, former_types::prelude

derive_former default full?
types_components default full? types_component_assign
types_component_assign default full? = types_components

Affects component::Assign, component::OptionExt, component::AssignWithType