8 stable releases
2.1.1 | Jan 25, 2022 |
2.1.0 | Jan 24, 2022 |
2.0.0 | Nov 21, 2021 |
1.2.5 | Nov 9, 2021 |
1.0.1 | Sep 30, 2021 |
#529 in Visualization
989 lines
Font Catcher
A cross-platform command-line utility and a high-level library for user and system font management
Cool badges :P
User Quick Start
Head to the releases, download your preferred version (latest versions are recommended), copy the file to /usr/bin and that's it!
NOTE: There are two releases (common and with Google Fonts) for now it is recommended to download the Google Fonts version to have a broader variety of fonts, but this might change in the future, see Open Font Repository
Basic Usage
Font Catcher's commands are aimed at being easy and intuitive to use.
If you have used apt
or dnf
as package managers once,
you will notice the similarities. By default, Font Catcher comes with one
repository which is currently WIP:
but it is possible to use Google Fonts as a repository as well
(and other repositories).
To search for a font:
font-catcher search font-name
To install a font:
font-catcher install font-name
To remove a font:
font-catcher remove font-name
That's it! (For the most part)
Developer Quick Start
Adding to your project
makes use of some low-level libraries that may not be installed
in your system.
sudo apt install pkg-config libfreetype-dev openssl librust-openssl-dev cmake llvm make expat fontconfig fontconfig1-dev
After installing these, add to your cargo file:
font-catcher = "2.0.0"
Using the library
Two things are nescessary to make use of the library: Import it and initialize it.
use font-catcher as font_catcher;
let main() {
let fonts_hashmap = font_catcher::init()?;
This returns a HashMap where the keys are font names and the value is a struct with plenty of useful functions, in the following example, we will be installing and removing the Agave font.
use font-catcher as font_catcher;
let main() {
let fonts_hashmap = font_catcher::init()?;
match fonts_hashmap.get("Agave") {
// Checks if the font exists
Some(font) => {font.install_to_user(None, true)?;},
// None -> This means the font will be downloaded from any repo
// available.
// true -> Gives terminal output of the operation.
None => {println!("No Agave font found!");}
// Prints a message if the font is not to be found
match fonts_hashmap.get("Agave") {
// Checks if the font exists
Some(font) => {font.uninstall_from_user(true)?;},
// true -> Gives terminal output of the operation.
None => {println!("No Agave font found!");}
// Prints a message if the font is not to be found
More examples can be found on the main.rs file for the time being.
Contributor Quick Start
Setup with Nix
The first step is to clone the git repository:
git clone https://github.com/GustavoPeredo/Font-Catcher.git
cd Font-Catcher
Then, nix makes it very easy to start working on this project. Simply download nix on any distribution or MacOS and:
BAM! All dependencies, rust and neovim with plugins will be installed.
For common hacking
cargo build
should be enough, but if you want to compile with Google Fonts repository,
then you will have to grab a key from
, then compile enabling the
GOOGLE_FONTS_KEY="YOUR API KEY HERE" cargo build --features google_repo
v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0 Major releases change the api completely
v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0 Middle releases add features and may deprecate functions/function outputs
v1.0.0 -> v1.1.1 Minor releases contian bug fixes and misc updates
Other documentation
Further Usage
You can download fonts to a specific directory instead of installing them directly:
font-catcher download /desired/path Agave
You can specify which repository to search, install and download fonts from by passing the --repo
flag before the fonts:
font-catcher install --repo "Google Fonts" Roboto
font-catcher search --repo "Open Font Repository" Aga
font-catcher download ~/Downloads --repo "Open Font Repository" Agave
It's possible to install, download and remove multiple fonts at once:
font-catcher install font1 font2 font3
font-catcher remove font1 font2 font3
To update the font catalogs to the latest versions, run:
font-catcher update-repos
Adding repositories
Editing the repos.conf
The simples way to add another repo is by editing the repos.conf
file, located under your data file inside a font-catcher folder (normally ~/.local/share/font-catcher
). If the file doesn't exist, create a new one.
This is a template for a repository:
name = "Open Font Repository Local"
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GustavoPeredo/open-font-repository/main/fonts.json"
If your repository has an API key, add {API_KEY}
where the API key should be placed in the url, example:
name = "Google Fonts Local"
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?key={API_KEY}"
key = "KEY"
You can add as many repositories as you want, just append them to the file like so:
name = "Open Font Repository Local"
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GustavoPeredo/open-font-repository/main/fonts.json"
name = "Google Fonts Local"
url = "https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?key={API_KEY}"
key = "KEY"
Adding to the source code
To add a repository to the source code, try following the example present in src/repo.rs
Repository {
name: "Open Font Repository".to_string(),
url: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GustavoPeredo/open-font-repository/main/fonts.json".to_string(),
key: None,
Maybe there are other font repositories compatible with this software that I'm unaware of, it would be nice to have them as options at compilation time!
~345K SLoC