Cargo Features

flipper0-sys = { version = "0.2.14", default-features = false, features = ["allocator", "allocator-global", "oom-global", "panic", "prebuild", "use-local-sdk", "use-remote-sdk", "derive-default", "derive-ord", "derive-partialord", "derive-debug", "macro"] }
default = allocator-global, macro, oom-global, panic, prebuild, use-local-sdk

These default features are set whenever flipper0-sys is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

allocator allocator-global

allocator impl

Affects alloc::GLOBAL, alloc::Furi

allocator-global default = allocator

global allocator impl

Affects alloc::Furi

oom-global default

global out-of-memory handler

panic default

global panic handler

prebuild default

build methods:
use pregenerated bindings

use-local-sdk default

look at FLIPPER_FW_SRC_PATH, try to build from source


build from remote git repo (slow)


build options:

derive-eq derive-copy derive-hash derive-ord
derive-partialeq derive-partialord

derive Debug, default for debug profile

macro default = proc-macros


Enables export-fam-infallible of flipper0-macro

Features from optional dependencies

In crates that don't use the dep: syntax, optional dependencies automatically become Cargo features. These features may have been created by mistake, and this functionality may be removed in the future.

proc-macros macro

Enables flipper0-macro