1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 May 17, 2018

#4 in #fortnite

25 downloads per month

Custom license

50 lines

Project FixNite

A fortnite replays parser and compatibility layer for older versions of Epic's .replay file format.

This project is in infancy!

It currently only functions for upgrading 3.4 replays to 3.5 replays. The chances of anyone running these versions of the game is...nonexistent... But we're making progress.


You're gonna need the Rust toolchain you can get it here:


Go ahead and clone the repo:

git clone https://www.github.com/LogoiLab/FixNite.git

For those of you who like real security:

git clone git@github.com:LogoiLab/FixNite.git

Go ahead and cd into the directory:

cd ./FixNite

And run the following command to build the project:

cargo build --release

Watch the pretty text and pray for no errors.

Now you can find the binary at:


To run the program do the following:

./fixnite <some_random_replay_file.replay>

Where <some_random_replay_file.replay> is replaced with the path to a replay you want fixed.

This project is being mirrored on both github and gitlab until github sabilizes under Microsoft ownership.


~15K SLoC