#api #manage #token #query #interact #filemaker


A library for interacting with a filemaker api

2 releases

new 0.1.1 Mar 24, 2025
0.1.0 Mar 24, 2025

#524 in Database interfaces

30 downloads per month

Custom license

593 lines

Filemaker Library (filemaker-lib)

This project is a Rust library (filemaker-lib) designed to interact with the FileMaker Data API. It provides a simple API to perform key operations against FileMaker databases, such as fetching records, performing searches, updating records, deleting records, and manipulating database sessions.



Add filemaker-lib to your project's Cargo.toml:

filemaker-lib = "0.1.0"

or using git

filemaker-lib = {git = "https://github.com/Drew-Chase/filemaker-lib.git"}



To create a Filemaker instance, you need to pass valid credentials (username and password), the name of the database, and the table you want to work with:

use filemaker_lib::Filemaker;
use anyhow::Result;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {
  std::env::set_var("FM_URL", "https://fm.example.com/fmi/data/vLatest"); // Replace with actual FileMaker server URL
  let username = "your_username";
  let password = "your_password";
  let database = "your_database";
  let table = "your_table";

  let filemaker = Filemaker::new(username, password, database, table).await?;
  println!("Filemaker instance created successfully.");

Fetching Records

Retrieve specific records with pagination:

let records = filemaker.get_records(1, 10).await?;
println!("Fetched Records: {:?}", records);

Fetch all records at once:

let all_records = filemaker.get_all_records().await?;
println!("All Records: {:?}", all_records);

Adding Records

Adding a Single Record

To add a single record to your FileMaker database:

use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut single_record_data = HashMap::new();
single_record_data.insert("field_name1".to_string(), Value::String("Value 1".to_string()));
single_record_data.insert("field_name2".to_string(), Value::String("Value 2".to_string()));

let result = filemaker.add_record(single_record_data).await?;
println!("Single record added: {:?}", result);

Adding Multiple Records

To add multiple records to your FileMaker database:

use serde_json::Value;
use std::collections::HashMap;

let records = vec![
    let mut record = HashMap::new();
    record.insert("field_name1".to_string(), Value::String("First Record - Value 1".to_string()));
    record.insert("field_name2".to_string(), Value::String("First Record - Value 2".to_string()));
    let mut record = HashMap::new();
    record.insert("field_name1".to_string(), Value::String("Second Record - Value 1".to_string()));
    record.insert("field_name2".to_string(), Value::String("Second Record - Value 2".to_string()));

for (i, record_data) in records.into_iter().enumerate() {
  match filemaker.add_record(record_data).await {
  Ok(result) => println!("Record {} added successfully: {:?}", i + 1, result),
  Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to add record {}: {}", i + 1, e),

Counting Records

Count the total number of records available in the table:

let total_records = filemaker.get_number_of_records().await?;
println!("Total Records: {}", total_records);

Searching Records

Perform a query with search parameters and sorting:

use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut query = HashMap::new();
query.insert("fieldName".to_string(), "example_value".to_string());

let sort_fields = vec!["fieldName".to_string()];
let ascending = true;

let search_results = filemaker.search::<serde_json::Value>(vec![query], sort_fields, ascending).await?;
println!("Search Results: {:?}", search_results);

Updating Records

Update a record by its ID:

use serde_json::Value;

let record_id = 123;
let mut field_data = HashMap::new();
field_data.insert("fieldName".to_string(), Value::String("new_value".to_string()));

let update_result = filemaker.update_record(record_id, field_data).await?;
println!("Update Result: {:?}", update_result);

Deleting Records

Delete a record by its ID:

let record_id = 123;
println!("Record deleted successfully.");

Fetching Available Layouts

Retrieve a list of layouts in the specified database:

let layouts = Filemaker::get_layouts("your_username", "your_password", "your_database").await?;
println!("Available Layouts: {:?}", layouts);

Fetching Databases

Retrieve the list of databases accessible with your credentials:

let databases = Filemaker::get_databases("your_username", "your_password").await?;
println!("Databases: {:?}", databases);

Clearing the Database

Delete all records from the current database and table:

println!("All records cleared successfully.");

Environment Variables

The library uses the FM_URL environment variable to specify the base URL of the FileMaker server. You need to set this variable before using the library:

std::env::set_var("FM_URL", "https://fm.example.com/fmi/data/vLatest");

Replace "https://fm.example.com/fmi/data/vLatest" with the actual URL of your FileMaker server.


This library comes with example implementations usable as references:

  1. Fetch List of Databases: get_databases
  2. Fetch Layouts from a Database: filemaker_layout_fetcher
  3. Retrieve Records: main_filemaker
  4. Add Single Record: filemaker_single_record_adder
  5. Add Multiple Records: filemaker_multiple_record_adder
  6. Update Database Records: filemaker_record_updater
  7. Delete Database Records: filemaker_record_deleter
  8. Find Records Based on Query: filemaker_search_results_output


The library uses the log crate for logging. To capture and display logs, set up a logging framework such as env_logger. Example:

use env_logger;

fn main() {


This library is licensed under the terms of the license detailed in the LICENSE file.

For more information, please refer to the repository documentation. Contributions are welcome!


~230K SLoC