#web-server #web-apps #applications

app ferriscrab

Ferriscrab is a lightweight and high-performance web server written in Rust

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jul 20, 2023

#1349 in HTTP server

MIT license



Ferriscrab is a lightweight and high-performance web server written in Rust. It provides a simple, fast, and reliable way to build and deploy web applications.


  • High Performance: Ferriscrab leverages the powerful features and async programming model of Rust to achieve exceptional performance

  • Lightweight: The server has a minimal codebase without unnecessary complexity, making it easy to understand and extend

  • Flexibility: Ferriscrab provides a set of configurable options to adapt to various web application requirements

  • Security: With Rust's memory safety guarantees and rigorous code review, Ferriscrab offers reliable security


Ensure that you have the Rust toolchain installed. Run the following commands in the terminal to build and install Ferriscrab:

cargo install ferriscrab


NOTICE: Ferriscrab is still under active development and will soon be available.


You can start the Ferriscrab server with the following command:

ferriscrab start

By default, Ferriscrab will run on localhost port 8000. You can access your application by visiting http://localhost:8000 in a web browser.


Ferriscrab uses a configuration file named config.toml to manage server settings. You can modify it according to your needs. Here's an example configuration file:

host = ""
port = 8000

level = "info"


Contributions to Ferriscrab are welcome! If you have any suggestions or questions, please open an issue or pull request on GitHub.


Ferriscrab is distributed under the MIT License. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more information.

