#cli #url #async #status #parallel #checker #s-tatus

app faust

Fast Async Url STatus checker

3 stable releases

1.0.2 Jun 28, 2022
1.0.1 Aug 23, 2021

#34 in #checker

25 downloads per month

MIT license

84 lines

Faust - Fast Async URL Status

Faust issues HEAD requests to a potentially large number of HTTP URLs, and outputs the HTTP response codes in TSV format.

Faust is a tiny Rust program (<100 lines) built on top of reqwest and tokio. It can easily scale to tens of thousands of parallel requests, and process thousands of requests per second on even a modest machine.


If you have Rust and Cargo installed:

$ cargo install faust


$ time faust <<EOF
> http://www.google.com
> https://www.google.com
> http://github.com
> https://github.com
> http://cloudflare.com
> https://cloudflare.com
http://cloudflare.com/  301 https://www.cloudflare.com/
http://github.com/      301 https://github.com/
http://www.google.com/  200 OK
https://cloudflare.com/ 301 https://www.cloudflare.com/
https://github.com/     200 OK
https://www.google.com/ 200 OK

real    0m0.100s
user    0m0.005s
sys     0m0.009s


Faust easily scales to tens of thousands of connections, but needs an adequate number of allowed file descriptors. If it refuses to run for this reason, you may need to adjust the limits in /etc/security/limits.*.

If you are behind NAT, such a large number of connections may crash cheap home routers or severely degrade their performance.


~316K SLoC