#fql #query #language #parser #repository

yanked fauna

A parser for the Fauna Query Language (FQL)

0.1.0 Jul 19, 2022

#491 in #repository

MIT-0 license

1.5K SLoC

This repository contains unofficial patterns, sample code, or tools to help developers build more effectively with Fauna. All Fauna Labs repositories are provided “as-is” and without support. By using this repository or its contents, you agree that this repository may never be officially supported and moved to the Fauna organization.

Fauna Rust Driver

This is a Rust driver to provides native handling of Fauna requests

Getting started

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/fauna-labs/fauna-rs.git

run the examples

Each file in the examples folder is an example that can be run. The examples use environment variable for Fauna key and domain, so export the variables in your shell

export FAUNA_DOMAIN=db.fauna.com

Then run the examples

cargo run --example [EXAMPLE NAME]

include in your project

Include the crate as a local dependency in your Cargo.toml file.

# Cargo.toml

fauna = { path = "path/to/fauna-rs" }


~346K SLoC