#escaping #fmt #chars #performance

no-std fast_escape

Simple, fast escaping of characters

1 unstable release

Uses old Rust 2015

0.1.0 Jul 2, 2017

#21 in #chars

32 downloads per month
Used in macos-open

MITNFA license

141 lines

Fast escape

Simple, fast escaping of characters.

This crate builds on fast_fmt to provide flexibility and speed.


This crate provides generic escaping of characters without requiring allocations. It leverages fast_fmt crate to do this.


Escaping whole writer

extern crate fast_fmt;
extern crate fast_escape;
extern crate void;

use fast_escape::Escaper;
use fast_fmt::Write;
use void::ResultVoidExt;

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::new();
        let s = &mut s;
        let mut tr = s.transform(Escaper::new('\\', '$'));
        fwrite!(&mut tr, "abcd$efgh").void_unwrap();
    assert_eq!(s, "abcd\\$efgh");

Escaping part of formatted text

extern crate fast_fmt;
extern crate fast_escape;
extern crate void;

use fast_escape::Escaper;
use void::ResultVoidExt;

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::new();
    let special_chars = ['$', '"'];
    let escaper: Escaper<&[char]> = Escaper::new('\\', &special_chars);
    let value = "$Hello \"world\"!";
    fwrite!(&mut s, "$foo=\"", value.transformed(escaper), "\"").void_unwrap();

    assert_eq!(s, "$foo=\"\\$Hello \\\"world\\\"!\"");

