#event-bus #tokio #event-listener #spring #event-system #pubsub #async


A safe, fast, concurrent event publish/subscribe system based on tokio(async), inspired by Spring events

4 releases

0.2.2 Jul 25, 2024
0.2.1 Jul 24, 2024
0.2.0 Jul 24, 2024
0.1.0 Jul 24, 2024

#336 in Asynchronous


481 lines


A safe, fast, event publish/subscribe system, where asynchronous events are implemented based on tokio, and inspired by Spring events.

1. Usage

Add this to your Cargo.toml:

eventbuzz = "0.2"

# And
# If necessary
tokio = "${version}"
async-trait = "${version}"

2. APIs

2.1. Sync

use eventbuzz::sync::prelude::*;

2.1.1. Event

use eventbuzz::sync::prelude::*;

struct HelloEvent {
    message: String,

// ...

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

impl ApplicationEvent for HelloEvent {
    fn topic() -> String {
        // default: io.github.eventbuzz.global.default.topic
        // Unused now.

2.1.2. Listener

struct HelloEventListener;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// HelloEvent -> This target event of Listener.
impl ApplicationEventListener<HelloEvent> for HelloEventListener {
    fn on_application_event(&self, event: &HelloEvent) {
        // Handle event.

2.1.3. Publish

// 1.Build an instance of Eventbus
// -> Maybe -> Eventbus::new() | unsupported now.
let mut eventbus: Eventbus = Eventbus::builder()
    /* config or init | Unsupported now */

// 2.Register
// -> Auto register unsupported now.

// 3.Publish event.
eventbus.publish_event(HelloEvent {
	message: String::from("Hello, HelloEvent!"),

eventbus.publish_event(GreetingEvent {
	message: String::from("Hello, GreetingEvent!"),

2.2. Async

use eventbuzz::asynchronous::prelude::*;

2.2.1. Event

use eventbuzz::asynchronous::prelude::*;

struct HelloEvent {
    message: String,

// ...

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

impl ApplicationEvent for HelloEvent {
    fn topic() -> String {
        // default: io.github.eventbuzz.global.default.topic
        // Unused now.

2.2.2. Listener

use #[async_trait]

struct HelloEventListener;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------

// Notes: #[async_trait]
// HelloEvent -> This target event of Listener.

impl AsyncApplicationEventListener<HelloEvent> for HelloEventListener {
    async fn on_application_event(&self, event: &HelloEvent) {
        // Handle event.

2.2.3. Publish

// #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]

// 1.Build an instance of Eventbus
// -> Maybe -> Eventbus::new() | unsupported now.
let mut eventbus: AsyncEventbus = AsyncEventbus::builder()
    /* config or init | Unsupported now */

// 2.Register
// -> Auto register unsupported now.

// 3.Publish event.
eventbus.publish_event(HelloEvent {
	message: String::from("Hello, HelloEvent!"),

eventbus.publish_event(GreetingEvent {
	message: String::from("Hello, GreetingEvent!"),

2.3.4. tokio::spawn

let mut eventbus: AsyncEventbus = AsyncEventbus::builder()
    /* config or init | Unsupported now */


// Spawn
tokio::spawn( async move {
    eventbus.publish_event(HelloEvent {
    	message: String::from("Hello, tokio.HelloEvent!"),
// Arc<AsyncEventbus>

let mut eventbus: AsyncEventbus = AsyncEventbus::builder()
    /* config or init | Unsupported now */


let eventbus_arc = Arc::new(eventbus);

let eventbus_wrapped_1 = Arc::clone( & eventbus_arc);
tokio::spawn( async move {
    eventbus_wrapped_1.publish_event(HelloEvent {
    	message: String::from("Hello, multi.tokio.arc.1.HelloEvent!"),

let eventbus_wrapped_2 = Arc::clone( & eventbus_arc);
tokio::spawn( async move {
    eventbus_wrapped_2.publish_event(HelloEvent {
    	message: String::from("Hello, multi.tokio.arc.2.HelloEvent!"),


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