#methods #compute #elections #different #candidacy #seats


Library to compute electoral methods (as D'Hondt) and simulate elections

1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 21, 2024

#141 in Simulation

MIT license

387 lines





ElectoSIM is a library that allows you to simulate simple elections using different methods.


The following methods are available:

  • D'Hondt
  • Webster/Sainte-Laguë
  • Adams
  • Imperiali
  • Huntington-Hill
  • Danish
  • Hare-Niemeyer
  • Hagenbach-Bischoff
  • Imperiali - Quotient
  • Droop
  • Winner Takes All


use electosim::methods::Method;
use electosim::models::Candidacy;

use electosim::SimpleElection;

fn main() {
   let mut election = SimpleElection {
        results: vec![
            Candidacy::new(2010, 9),
            Candidacy::new(1018, 4),
            Candidacy::new(86, 0),
            Candidacy::new(77, 0),
        seats: 13,
        method: Method::HAGENBASCHBISCHOFF,

    election.compute().expect("Can not compute method");
    election.results.iter().for_each(|c| println!("{:?}", c));

The first statement in the main function creates a new [SimpleElection] with the candidates, the number of seats available, and the method to be used. The compute method is then called to compute the election results. Finally, the results are printed to the console.

compute_ functions

A method is a function with type fn(&mut Vec<T>, u16) -> Result<(), &str> where T is a type that implements the WithVotes and WithSeats traits. You can use the compute_ functions directly if you want to compute the election results without using the [SimpleElection] struct. For example:

use electosim::methods::divisor::compute_dhondt;
use electosim::models::Candidacy;

fn main() {
   let mut candidacies = vec![
        Candidacy::new(2010, 0),
        Candidacy::new(1018, 0),
        Candidacy::new(86, 0),
        Candidacy::new(77, 0),

   compute_dhondt(&mut candidacies, 13).unwrap();

   candidacies.iter().for_each(|c| println!("{:?}", c));

There are some implementations of the compute_ functions in the methods::divisor (ex: D'hondt) and methods::remainder (ex: Hare) modules.

No runtime deps