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Rust library for extracting elspot prices from nordpool.

This crate is still under early developement, documentation to come in the future..

Run tests.



eb_nordpool provides an easy way to extract elspot prices from Nordpool.

Getting started

Fetching prices from nordpoolgroup.com or from file.

use eb_nordpool::{elspot, region_time, units};

// Download todays or tomorrows prices (we can not control this..)
// If time is before 13:00 in Norway, you get prices for today; else you get for tomorrow.
let data = elspot::hourly::from_nordpool_nok().unwrap();
// ..this http request is currently blocking, but this might change in the future.

// Gives you the actual date for the prices in YYYY-MM-DD format (chrono's NaiveDate type).

// Save data to file.

// Load data from tile.
let data = elspot::hourly::from_file("path/to/data.json").unwrap();

// Serialize data to json string, nice if you want to load it somewhere else.
let s = data.to_json_string();

// Print out all available regions. This is convenient for finding a specific region.

// Get all regions in a Vec<&str>, nice if you want to do something with all regions.
let regions = data.regions();

// Check if a region exists in dataset.
if data.has_region("Oslo") {
    // ..do something

// Price now for specific region.
if let Ok(p) = data.price_now_for_region("Oslo") {
    println!("Price for Oslo now: {}", p.price_label());

// Get price for specific timestamp (must be in Utc).
let utc_dt = region_time::utc_with_ymd_and_hms(2024, 6, 20, 11, 0, 0);
let p = data.price_for_region_at_utc_dt("Oslo", &utc_dt);
// NOTE: this gives you the price for 13:00 local time (Oslo is 2 hours ahead during CEST..).
match p {
    Ok(p) => println!("{}", p),
    Err(e) => println!("{}", e),

// Get all prices for a specific region (always in ascending order starting at time 00:00).
let prices = data.all_prices_for_region("Oslo");

// Convert currency-units and power-units.
let mut prices = data.all_prices_for_region("Oslo");
let mut p = &mut prices[0];
units::convert_to_currency_fraction(&mut p); // Converts "160,00" to "16000" e.g. to cents.
units::convert_to_currency_full(&mut p); // Same as above, but the other way around.
units::convert_to_kwh(&mut p); // Converts from MWh to kWh (also adjusts the price value).
units::convert_to_mwh(&mut p); // Same as above, but the other way around.

// It is often more reasonable to get the price formated as for example "øre/kWh".
// Lets do it for all prices..
let mut prices = data.all_prices_for_region("Oslo");
for i in 0..prices.len() {
    units::convert_to_currency_fraction(&mut prices[i]);
    units::convert_to_kwh(&mut prices[i]);
for p in &prices {
    assert_eq!(p.power_unit, units::Power::kWh);
    println!("{}", p);

// Print one price.
let p = &prices[8];
let (region, from, to, label) = (&p.region, &p.from, &p.to, &p.price_label());
println!("Price for {region} between {from} and {to} is {label}");

// Pretty print price (label like). Looks like this: "NOK 167,68 Kr./MWh".
let p = &prices[8];
println!("{}", p.price_label());

// Get price as number data types f32.
let p = &prices[8];
let f: f32 = p.as_f32();
let u: u32 = p.as_u32();


~224K SLoC