7 releases

0.2.0-eaze.7 Mar 29, 2021
0.2.0-eaze.6 Mar 24, 2021
0.2.0-eaze.2 Feb 18, 2021

#25 in #distributed-tracing

32 downloads per month
Used in eaze-tracing-honeycomb

MIT license

555 lines

tracing-distributed on crates.io Documentation (latest release) Documentation (master)LicenseCircleCI status


Current version: 0.2.0-eaze.7

This crate provides:

  • TelemetryLayer, a generic tracing layer that handles publishing spans and events to arbitrary backends
  • Utilities for implementing distributed tracing for arbitrary backends

As a tracing layer, TelemetryLayer can be composed with other layers to provide stdout logging, filtering, etc.

This crate is primarily intended to be used by people implementing their own backends. A concrete implementation using honeycomb.io as a backend is available in the tracing-honeycomb crate.




~61K SLoC