2 releases
0.1.1 | Dec 16, 2024 |
0.1.0 | Dec 16, 2024 |
#299 in Configuration
507 lines
Easy Configuration Format
A settings format that strikes a great balance between usage simplicity and parsing simplicity, with aspects like:
- Support for strings, ints, float, bools, and comments
- Elegant error handling, an invalid line in the middle won't ruin everything afterwards and loading then saving a file will always result in a valid ecf file (to see this in action, just run
cargo run --example main
) - 'Setting updater' functions have built-in support and encouragement
- Almost no code (~500 sloc) and no dependencies (other than std)
Example settings file:
format 1
# This first line defines the version number of your settings file. If you want to update
# your program's settings, this will allow you to update users' settings file to your
# newer version
example key: "example value"
example blank: empty
example string: "not empty"
example int: 3
example float: 3.5
example bool: true
example multiline: "
"first line (#0)
"also, because of how strings are stored, you can have " characters inside a string with
"no escape codes needed
"last line (#3)
example string 2: "you can also put " chars in single-line strings"
example namespace.example key: "example value 2"
# "namespaces" are entirely made up, they're just fancy names but it's still the
# recommended way to structure settings
# example comment
example multiline comment
just like strings, you can have extra # chars anywhere you want (as long as you don't
want one of the lines in a comment to just be "##")
example array.0: "value 0"
example array.1: "value 1"
example array.2: "value 2"
example array.3: "value 3"
example nested array.0.name: "person 0"
example nested array.0.age: "age 0"
example nested array.0.friends.0: "person 1"
example nested array.0.friends.1: "person 2"
example nested array.1.name: "person 1"
example nested array.1.age: "age 1"
example nested array.1.friends.0: "person 0"
example nested array.1.friends.1: "person 2"
# examples for error handling:
example duplicate key: "this key will be kept"
example duplicate key: "this key will be commented"
invalid key "doesn't have any colon"
invalid value 1: "missing an ending quote
invalid value 2: missing a starting quote"
invalid value 3: missing both quotes
# empty multiline strings aren't allowed:
invalid value 4: "
invalid value 6: .3
invalid entry: empty # inline comments aren't allowed
invalid multiline comment, only these two lines will be commented because of this
# single-line comments cannot be invalid!
working key: "and even after all that, it can still keep parsing settings!"
See the specification Here
Example code:
// load settings
pub const UPDATER_FUNCTIONS: &[fn(&mut HashMap<String, ecf::Value>, &())] = &[
update_1_to_2, // updates from format 1 to format 2
// etc
]; // because there's 1 updater function, the crate will know that the current format version is 2
pub fn update_1_to_2(settings: &mut HashMap<String, ecf::Value>, args: &()) {
println!("this example doesn't actually have a format 2, this is just to show how updates would be done");
let (mut ecf_file, errors) = ecf::parse_settings(include_str!("example_settings.txt"), UPDATER_FUNCTIONS, &());
// print file data
println!("======== Layout: ========");
for layout_entry in &ecf_file.layout {println!("{layout_entry:?}");}
println!("\n\n\n======== Values: ========");
for (key, value) in &ecf_file.values {println!("{key}: {value:?}");}
println!("\n\n\n======== Errors: ========");
for error in errors {println!("{error:?}");}
// alter settings
ecf_file.insert(String::from("example key"), ecf::Value::Empty);
ecf_file.insert(String::from("new key"), ecf::Value::String (String::from("new value")));
// save settings
let (contents, errors) = ecf::format_settings(&ecf_file);
println!("\n\n\n======== New Contents: ========");
println!("\n\n\n======== Errors: ========");
for error in errors {println!("{error:?}");}