Cargo Features

dust-mail = { version = "0.4.3", default-features = false, features = ["maildir", "discover", "autoconfig", "autodiscover", "smtp", "pop", "imap", "serde", "json", "runtime-tokio", "runtime-async-std"] }
default = discover, imap, maildir, pop, runtime-tokio, serde, smtp

These default features are set whenever dust-mail is added without default-features = false somewhere in the dependency tree.

maildir default

Enables maildir

Affects incoming::maildir

discover default = autoconfig, autodiscover

Enables dns-mail-discover

Affects dust-mail::discover

autoconfig discover

Enables autoconfig

Autodetect service

Affects parse::AutoConfigParser

autodiscover discover

Enables ms-autodiscover

Affects parse::AutodiscoverParser

smtp default

Enables async-smtp ^0.9.0

Affects protocol::SmtpCredentials, outgoing::smtp

pop default

Enables async-pop


Affects incoming::pop, protocol::PopCredentials

imap default

Enables async-imap ^0.8.0


Affects incoming::imap, protocol::ImapCredentials

serde default json?

Enables serde


json = serde

Enables serde_json

Affects parser::json

runtime-tokio default

Enables tokio


and runtime-tokio of async-native-tls, optional async-imap ^0.8.0, optional async-pop, optional async-smtp ^0.9.0, optional autoconfig, optional dns-mail-discover, and optional ms-autodiscover



Affects outgoing::smtp


Enables async-std, runtime-async-std of optional autoconfig, optional dns-mail-discover, and optional ms-autodiscover, runtime-async-std of async-native-tls, optional async-imap ^0.8.0, optional async-pop, and optional async-smtp ^0.9.0