Downcast is used at run time in 462 crates (of which 71 optionally). It is a direct run-time dependency in 17 crates. It's used at build time in 1 crate (). It's used only as a dev dependency in 359 crates.

Number of dependers Downcast version Downloads/month
746 0.11.0 1.6M
70 0.10.0 73K
3 0.9.2 230
1 0.6.0 0
2 0.2.3 0
Depender (with downloads and own rev deps) Downcast version
1.7M 390 mockall ^0.11
1.5K 30 workflow-log ^0.11.0
1.2K 2 oxyroot ^0.11.0
700 6 workflow-terminal ^0.11.0
240 14 kaspa-rpc-core ^0.11.0
220 3 blue_engine ^0.11
3 kaspa-cli ^0.11.0
5 kaspa-wallet-core ^0.11.0
springtime-web-axum ^0.11.0
kaspa-os ^0.11.0
moonlander-gp ^0.6
termspin ^0.11.0
1 ioc ^0.11.0
ezrpc ^0.11
1 qecs-core ^0.2.1
1 palkia ^0.11.0
rusty-wam ^0.9.1