1 unstable release
0.1.0 | Nov 18, 2024 |
#420 in WebAssembly
479 lines
&dollgen dollgen is a relatively simple Static Site Generator, intended to be unbiased towards what you choose to write your site in (by default, it doesn't have [em:any] language-specific features)
the core of dollgen is simple, define rules with the following:
- included paths[ref(glob)]
- excluded paths[ref(glob)]
- output path[ref(format)] (recieves captures from the include glob that matched)
- transformer the reads the input file and writes the output file
- the most basic transformer is [code:copy], literally defined as
pub fn copy(src: PathBuf, dst: PathBuf, _: Vec<String>) -> Result<(), ErrorKind> {
fs::copy(src, dst)?;
- others may be created yourself or found in the [em:integrations] section
although it's *recommended* to use [code:src/] for input files and [code:dist/] for output files,
dollgen does not care what directories you use, and will automatically create directories up to whatever
output path that a rule specifies
globs follow the syntax of [link(https://crates.io/crates/capturing-glob):capturing-glob]
all paths are relative to the current working directory
format strings follow a similar syntax to rust's format strings, but simpler
given a list of captures, [code:{n}] is replaced with the [code:n]-th capture
given rule with an include [code:src/(**)/(*).draft.*)],
matching path [code:src/blog/itsfirstblog.draft.doll],
format string [code:dist/{0}/{1}.html]
would produce [code:dist/blog/itsfirstblog.html]
read more about integrations in their individual modules
currently present
- [link(https://docs.rs/dollgen/latest/dollgen/liquid/):liquid]
(feature: [code:liquid], support for [link(https://shopify.github.io/liquid/):the liquid templating language])
- [link(https://docs.rs/dollgen/latest/dollgen/liquid/markdoll/):liquid]
(feature: [code:liquid-markdoll], support for [link(https://github.com/0x57e11a/markdoll):the markdoll language], tied into liquid)
- [link(https://docs.rs/dollgen/latest/dollgen/scss/):scss]
(feature: [code:scss], support for [link(https://sass-lang.com/documentation/syntax/):the scss/sass stylesheet languages])
- [link(https://docs.rs/dollgen/latest/dollgen/wasm/):wasm]
(feature: [code:wasm], support for compiling rust libs to [link(https://webassembly.org/):webassembly modules], via [link(https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-bindgen):wasm_bindgen])
- markdown
- maybe MDX?
- maybe reStructuredText? (if it wants to subject itself to that?)
- at this point just make an issue for what you want
~166K SLoC