1 unstable release

0.1.0 Jun 2, 2020

#1122 in HTTP server

MIT license


Deno linter

NOTE Very much work-in-progress

Supported rules

  • banTsIgnore
  • banUntaggedTodo
  • constructorSuper
  • defaultParamLast
  • eqeqeq
  • explicitFunctionReturnType
  • forDirection
  • getterReturn
  • noAsyncPromiseExecutor
  • noCaseDeclarations
  • noCompareNegZero
  • noCondAssign
  • noDebugger
  • noDeleteVar
  • noDupeArgs
  • noDupeKeys
  • noDuplicateCase
  • noEmpty
  • noEmptyFunction
  • noEmptyInterface
  • noEval
  • noExplicitAny
  • noNewSymbol
  • noPrototypeBuiltins
  • noSetterReturn
  • noSparseArray
  • noThrowLiteral
  • noUnsafeFinally
  • noVar
  • noWith
  • requireYield
  • singleVarDeclarator
  • useIsNaN
  • validTypeof


Only single line ignores are supported:

// deno-lint-ignore noExplicitAny
function foo(): any {
  // ...

// deno-lint-ignore noExplicitAny explicitFunctionReturnType
function bar(a: any) {
  // ...

Example output

$ ▶ target/debug/dlint ../deno/std/http/server.ts ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts
(noEmpty) Empty block statement
 --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:93:14
93 |       } catch {}
   |               ^^
(noEmpty) Empty block statement
 --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:111:44
111 |     while ((await body.read(buf)) !== null) {}
    |                                             ^^
(noEmpty) Empty block statement
 --> ../deno/std/http/server.ts:120:41
120 |   constructor(public listener: Listener) {}
    |                                          ^^
(banUntaggedTodo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:5:0
5 | // TODO Stream responses instead of reading them into memory.
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(banUntaggedTodo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:6:0
6 | // TODO Add tests like these:
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(banUntaggedTodo) TODO should be tagged with (@username) or (#issue)
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:137:0
137 | // TODO: simplify this after deno.stat and deno.readDir are fixed
    | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
(noEmpty) Empty block statement
 --> ../deno/std/http/file_server.ts:155:16
155 |     } catch (e) {}
    |                 ^^
Found 7 problems


~437K SLoC