#discord #javascript #injector #electron #asar


This is a rust library which allows you to inject javascript into the discord desktop client!

9 releases

0.3.21 Aug 10, 2024
0.3.2 Aug 10, 2024
0.2.0 Aug 8, 2024
0.1.4 Aug 3, 2024

#3 in #injector

Download history 180/week @ 2024-07-29 382/week @ 2024-08-05 73/week @ 2024-08-12

121 downloads per month

MIT license

646 lines


This is a rust library which allows you to inject javascript into the discord desktop client!

With this project you can inject any kind of javascript you want into the discord client, the javascript code is attached to the renderer process, so you have access to the DOM etc

Please note that only windows is yet developed, linux support is coming next welp, that is now done! if you have installed discord with a .deb file the folder containing the core.asar file should be in your .config folder

Next goal

  • macOS support i am happy to announce that macOS support has been added! (thank you for not letting me down my dear m1 macbook air)
  • flatpak support for linux
  • snap (for linux) support will be investigated in the future.

example usage

use inject::inject;
use eject::eject;
use check_installation::check_installed_clients;

fn main() {
    let installed_clients = check_installed_clients().unwrap();

    for client in installed_clients {
        println!("client: {:?}", client);

        if !client.injected {
            inject(&client.basename, "console.log('hello world!');", false).unwrap();
        } else {
            println!("already injected");


Another cool feature!

Well, since i expect that this project will be used in some gui applications, i decided to make an ws (websocket) feature, which allows you to connect the library to your own websocket server to receive messages about the progress of the injection.

to use the ws feature you can add this to your cargo.toml

discord_injector-lib = { version = "x.x.x" features = ["ws"] }

please note that x.x.x is a place holder. version from 0.3.0 and above support this feature :).

but thats not it, typescript is also now officially supported.

thanks to swc. Its possible to compile typescript to javascript, so enjoy type safety features with this library!

attention tho in my tests i came to the conclusion, that enums in typescript are not being properly translated to javascript, this issue is none of my responsibility but rather swcs responsibility, so just avoid using enums, thanks :D

Check it out on crates.io!

I also created a library on crates.io, here is the link to it


This project might break your client. in case of client breaks, please reinstall discord for your platform.


~739K SLoC