2 unstable releases

0.2.0 Feb 17, 2021
0.1.0 Feb 13, 2021

#27 in #dwarf-fortress

MIT license

318 lines


A config/init file parser for Dwarf Fortress.

ci Crates.io


A pure Rust implementation of DF's config file format parser, trying to be true to game's internal one. See the documentation for more info.


I need a DF config parser/manipulator for one of my other projects. Also, boredom.


This library is hosted on crates.io, so using it in your project is as simple as:

dfconfig = "0.1"


PRs are welcome.


dfconfig is a lib for parsing and manipulating Dwarf Fortress' init.txt and d_init.txt config files (and possibly many others using the same format). This lib's functionality has been specifically tailored to behave similar as DF internal parser, which implies:

  • Config::get returns the last occurrence value, if config specifies the key more than once.
  • Whitespaces are not allowed at the start of lines, any line not starting with [ character is treated as a comment.

Other notable functionality is that the parser preserves all of the parsed string content, including blank lines and comments.


use std::fs::{read_to_string, write};
use dfconfig::Config;

// Parse existing config
let path = r"/path/to/df/data/init/init.txt";
let mut conf = Config::read_str(read_to_string(path)?);

// Read some value
let sound = conf.get("SOUND");

// Modify and save the config
conf.set("VOLUME", "128");
write(path, conf.print())?;


~54K SLoC