#property-testing #fuzz-testing #proc-macro #target #quickcheck #cargo #generate


A Rust proc-macro to enable using the same implementation for fuzz tests and property tests

3 releases

new 0.1.2 Jun 24, 2024
0.1.1 May 29, 2024
0.1.0 May 29, 2024

#211 in Testing

Download history 167/week @ 2024-05-26 62/week @ 2024-06-02 47/week @ 2024-06-09 84/week @ 2024-06-16

360 downloads per month


67 lines


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Proc macros that generates both a fuzz target for use with cargo fuzz, and a property test (via quickcheck or proptest) for use with cargo test.

The reason for having both is that property testing allows for quick iteration to make sure the test works, and can be checked in presubmit CI, while fuzzing can test the input space more exhaustively and run continuously.


#![cfg_attr(fuzzing, no_main)]

fn transitive_ord(a: u32, b: u32, c: u32) {
    if a >= b && b >= c {
        assert!(a >= c);
    if a <= b && b <= c {
        assert!(a <= c);

fn additional_test_here() {
    /* ... */


Run the generated property tests

cargo test

Run continuous fuzzing

cargo install cargo-fuzz
cargo +nightly fuzz run <binary name>

Crate structure

If you use #[fuzz] or #[fuzztest], the fuzz target imposes the following requirements:

  • The target must be in a separate [[bin]] target that only contains a single fuzz target.
  • The crate containing the bin target has [package.metadata] cargo-fuzz = true
  • The bin target is annotated with #![cfg_attr(fuzzing, no_main)]

The recommended structure for your crate foo is to put your tests under foo/fuzz/src/bin:

├── fuzz
│   ├── src
│   │   └── bin
│   │       └── fuzz_target_1.rs
│   └── Cargo.toml
├── src
│   └── [project source]
└── Cargo.toml

This is different from the default structure generated by cargo fuzz init or cargo fuzz add so that we can take advantage of target auto-discovery. If you prefer, the default structure generated by cargo fuzz can also work, but make sure you remove test = false from the generated target in Cargo.toml.

You will also need to declare a dependency on the libfuzzer-sys crate, but only if fuzzing is requested:

libfuzzer-sys = "*"

(The reason for this conditional dependency is that libfuzzer-sys injects a main function to the resulting binary, and there will be linking failures if we link that in without defining a corresponding fuzz_target.)


  • quickcheck (default) — Enable generation of quickcheck property tests.
  • proptest — Enable generation of proptest property tests.

Relevant reading


~36K SLoC