#output #cron #command #run #command-line #failure #success

app cwrap

This is a binary that can be used to wrap something that is run via crontab. This will suppress failure (and success)output per specifications on the command-line.

2 releases

0.1.7 Dec 4, 2023
0.1.4 Feb 5, 2023

#6 in #success

29 downloads per month


920 lines


A rust version of cron-wrap


This is mostly the same implementation as cron-wrap, but without the SMTP options. Those may be added later, but for now, this should be fully usable for most cases.

See cwrap --help for all of the various options here.

An important note about CLI parsing: If you have options for your command, you must terminate the options for cwrap with a --. For example, if you were going to run grep -R something /path/to/dir/* and you wanted to set a cwrap option like --num-fails, you would do it like this:

cwrap --num-fails 3 -- grep -R something /path/to/dir

Unfortunately, clap will gobble up anything that looks like an option no matter where it is, unless the options are terminated.


~83K SLoC