#cosmwasm #cosmos #library #blockchain


An abstraction for different ways of implementing a vault token

2 unstable releases

0.2.0-rc.1 Aug 23, 2023
0.1.0 Feb 13, 2023

#138 in #cosmos

30 downloads per month

MPL-2.0 license

559 lines

Cosmwasm Vault Token


An abstraction for different ways of implementing a vault token. This crate defines a set of traits that define the behavior of a vault token. Two implementations are provided, one for an Osmosis native denom minted through the TokenFactory module and one for Cw4626 tokenized vaults. See the cosmwasm-vault-standard crate for more information about tokenized vaults.


Cosmwasm Vault Token


An abstraction for different ways of implementing a vault token. This crate defines a set of traits that define the behavior of a vault token. Two implementations are provided, one for an Osmosis native denom minted through the TokenFactory module and one for Cw4626 tokenized vaults. See the cosmwasm-vault-standard crate for more information about tokenized vaults.


~218K SLoC